
  1. 同时运营商降低采购和运营成本的需求,使得支持多种制式、平滑演进的“软基站”成为无线基站演进的方向。

    Operators place stringent requirements on reducing OPEX and CAPEX , and as a result , soft base stations supporting multiple standards have become preferred .

  2. 此外,企业可以根据当前数据量对节点数目进行调整,可以有效降低采购和运营成本。

    The enterprises can adjust the number of computing nodes according to the size of data . This policy can effectively reduce the purchase and operating coses .

  3. 这一结论为垄断者更加偏好采购式的运营模式而不是经营权拍卖模式提供了理由,尽管在这种情形下效率往往受到损失。

    Our main conclusion justifies the monopoly 's preference to the procurement business mode upon sale-right auction mode , while efficiency may be scarified in this mode .

  4. 在对比分析的基础上,剖析了一流企业在采购成本、运营成本、人力资源成本等方面的成本控制实施策略。

    On the basis of comparison and analysis , this paper analyzes the strategies of cost control of the first-class enterprise in the purchase cost , operation cost , and human resource cost of .

  5. 采购管理是企业运营中的重要环节,原材料的采购和服务费用占销售成本50%-70%,随着企业非核心业务的外包,这一比例还将升高。

    The supply management is a very important part in enterprise running . The 50 % - 70 % sale cost is the supply and service expenses , and the percentage will get higher in the case of the commissioning for the non-core business from the enterprise .