
  • 网络purchasing management;procurement management;Procurement;purchasing
  1. 基于Web的采购管理集成模型

    Integrated model of purchasing management based on Web

  2. ERP与供应链结合的采购管理研究

    Research of the Purchasing Management Linking a ERP System with SCM

  3. 基于Web的仪器设备计划采购管理系统

    The Management System of Equipments Plan and Purchase Based on Web

  4. 基于Internet的音像连锁企业采购管理系统

    An Internet-based Procurement System for Chained Audio-video Enterprise

  5. 企业资源计划(ERP)的物料管理主要包括库存管理和采购管理,对于车间层物料管理基本没有涉及;

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) mostly includes inventory management and procurement management ;

  6. MT公司电池采购管理改善优化研究

    Study on Improvement and Optimization under MT Company 's Battery Purchasing Management

  7. 利用UML建模工具对中小型印刷企业采购管理信息系统进行了系统设计。

    Purchasing management of the medium and small-sized printing enterprise information system was designed by using UML .

  8. 对X公司而言,用新的采购管理模式来解决X公司采购问题已迫在眉睫;

    Regarding X company , It 's top urgent for them to solve their purchasing problem by using such a new management mode .

  9. 网上采购管理系统(WebPurchaseManagementSystem,以下简称WPMS),使用面向服务和面向对象相结合的分析与设计方法对系统进行设计。

    WPMS ( Web Purchase Management System ), is analysed and designed by SO ( Service-Oriented ) and OO ( Object-Oriented ) method .

  10. 最后本文针对ABC公司未来采购管理的发展提出了构想。

    At last it has looked into the future of the development of purchasing management of Company ABC .

  11. AB公司采购管理研究

    AB Corporation Procurement Management Research

  12. 从供应链和现代ERP两个角度,阐述采购管理在现代企业管理中的重要作用。

    From two angles of SCM and Modern ERP , this article clarifies the importance of purchase management in the mo - ( dern ) enterprise management .

  13. 对于已经加入WTO的中国企业而言,越来越激烈的市场竞争是我们认识到,过去被忽视的采购管理也可以成为企业的一个重要的竞争武器。

    Since entered WTO , more and more furious market competition makes Chinese enterprises aware that purchasing management what used to be ignored can also be an important instrument to compete .

  14. 在采购管理子系统的数据库分析和设计中,结合药品经营管理系统的应用实际,使用UML进行了分析和建模,建立数据库模型图,最后生成了数据库。

    In the analysis and design of database for purchase , using UML to analyze and model , achieve the database model chart , and establish the database .

  15. 并将其应用于某企业ERP工程,给出了面向集成化敏捷供应链的采购管理系统的具体解决方案及其实现的关键技术。

    Through using these methods in an enterprise ERP project , we give concrete solutions and pivotal technologies that implement purchase management system based on integrated agile supply chain .

  16. 本系统采用J2EE平台与MVC模式,利用JAVA和JSP等技术实现基于B/S架构的ERP模式下的采购管理系统和库存管理系统。

    This system using J2EE and MVC mode , with JAVA and JSP , realizes inventory management system and purchasing management system of B / S structure based on ERP mode .

  17. 系统体系结构含软件、ETL/系统管理、OLAP和数据挖掘及装备采购管理等模块。

    The system architecture is composed of software , ETL / system management , OLAP , data digging , equipment purchase management modules etc.

  18. 以规范电力物资采购管理为目的,分析推行ISO9000标准的必要性及在物资采购中的运用。

    The necessity of promoting ISO 9000 to standardize power material procurement and the application of the standard in material procurement process are analyzed .

  19. 首先分析影响敏捷化采购管理的主要因素,在此基础上,结合F集团C事业处现状,提出敏捷化采购管理的技术解决方案,并在F集团C事业处对敏捷化采购管理进行应用实践。

    The main impacting factors of agile procurement management are analyzed . On this basis , combined with the status of Corporation F Business Unit C , the technology solution of implementing agile procurement management is put forward .

  20. 本文实现的HW集团采购管理系统可以为其他类似集团型企业进行采购管理提供参考。

    The centralized procurement management system in this proposal can offer a reference for the procurement for other group company .

  21. ISO9002应用于采购管理的操作实践

    Application of ISO 9002 in purchasing management

  22. 第三部分介绍GN公司的概况和分析GN公司市场环境、采购管理过程中存在的问题以及原因。

    The third part introduces the general situation , the market environment , and the problems and reasons in the purchasing management process .

  23. 应用SqlServer2000企业管理器工具设计了生产计划管理、采购管理子系统的数据库系统,依据生产计划管理的数据流程设计开发了相应系统的存储过程。

    Application SQL Server 2000 enterprise manager tool design the production plan management 、 procurement management subsystem database system , according to production plan management data flow design and development of the corresponding system stored procedures . 4 .

  24. 其中,在企业总部管理系统中设计了GSP管理模块、采购管理模块、调价业务管理模块、结算功能模块。

    In the managing system of enterprise headquarter , it also designs four modules : GSP management module , purchasing management module , price adjusting management module and settling account module .

  25. 第二章深入分析了绍兴轻纺区域的中小企业对于ASP公共服务平台和基于ASP平台的采购管理系统的需求;

    Then the objective of the thesis is pointed out , and the research frame is presented . Chapter 2 comprehensively analyzes the requirements for the ASP common service platform and procurement service on the ASP platform in the Shaoxing textile region .

  26. 根据管理需要将系统划分为销售管理、生产管理、采购管理、库存管理和系统维护五个功能模块。然后,应用ERP计划管理理论对生产计划的制定进行了详细的分析和设计。

    Divides the system into sales management , production management , purchasing management , inventory management , and system maintenance module , based on the needs of management . Then , detailed analysis and design how to formulate production planning under the plan management theory of ERP .

  27. 本文正是以此大环境为背景,在对一汽-大众公司目前的国产化外协件采购管理、供应链管理和JIT理论进行研究的基础上,探讨适应未来的中国汽车行业发展的采购管理模式。

    According to this kind of background and based on the research for current localization management of purchasing parts , SCM and JIT method , this article is to discuss future SCM which would adapt to the development of China .

  28. 通过对CG公司的采购管理现状进行剖析,提出了对供应商管理的改进意见,对于CG公司采购管理工作具有一定的现实意义和指导意义。

    Through manages the present situation to the CG Corporation 's suppliers to carry on the analysis , proposed manages the improvement opinion to the supplier , purchases the supervisory work regarding CG Corporation to have the important practical significance and the instruction significance .

  29. 3M公司,作为全球500强之一的制造企业,这几年来在中国的投资和发展是引人注目的,加强采购管理及对采购流程的优化也成为了提高3M中国有限公司边际利润率的关键所在。

    3M , as one of the biggest manufacturers in global 500 , during recent years its investment in China is very obvious , to manage and re-engineer the procurement procedure becomes the main issue of obtaining more profit to the company .

  30. 工程项目采购管理的实践与探讨

    The practice and search on the method purchase to engineering material