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  • pungent sauce
  1. 您喜欢要点辣酱油蘸炸牡蛎吗?

    Would you like a little Worcestershire sauce with your fried oyster ?

  2. 现在你又准备在热狗里放辣酱油?

    and now you 're going to put Worcestershire sauce on your hot dog ?

  3. 奥兰多:当然,你的热狗也得加点辣酱油。

    Orlando : Sure , you 've got to have Worcestershire sauce on your hot dog .

  4. 凝胶净化-高效液相色谱法检测对位红在辣椒酱和辣酱油中的残留量

    Residues Determination of Para red by in Pimiento Catsup and Chili Sauce Sample by Gel Permeation Chromatography

  5. 蒜辣酱油的研制

    Manufacture of garlic sauce

  6. 烘烤的英国松饼,上覆有火腿、水煮荷包蛋(或牡蛎)和荷兰辣酱油。

    Toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg ( or an oyster ) and hollandaise sauce .

  7. 尽管辣酱油在世界上很多地方都鲜有人知,但我们还是将这种食物纳入这篇文章中,因为它的制作完全是个意外。

    While relatively unknown to most of the world , this foodstuff gets a spot on this list because it was made entirely by accident .

  8. 我做了洋蓟配荷兰辣酱油,酱汁里加了与蛋黄一起疯狂搅拌充分入味的黄油。

    I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce , which is melted butter that 's been whipped into a frenzy with egg yolks until it 's died and gone to heaven .

  9. 血腥玛丽是一种混合番茄汁和伏特加,再加上柠檬片或酸橙,佐以山葵,辛辣沙司和辣酱油,黑胡椒和芹菜盐调制而成的鸡尾酒。

    A mix of tomato juice and vodka , along with lemon or lime , , Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces , black pepper and celery salt , the Bloody Mary packs a punch .

  10. 新鲜的介辣和酱油给鲜嫩的生鱼片提供给你嫩滑口感的对比。

    Fresh wasabi and soy sauce provide a nice contrast to the smoothness of the fish .