
là jiāo yóu
  • chili oil
  1. 传统的小料主要由麻酱、酱豆腐、韭菜花、辣椒油、芝麻、葱花、香菜调拌而成。

    The sauce normally is a mixture of sesame sauce , chili oil , leek etc.

  2. 在较优凝聚条件下复凝聚调节pH值法制备辣椒油微胶囊的平均包埋率为79.98%。

    Better cohesion in the cohesion complex regulation under the conditions of pH value of prepared chili oil microcapsules embedded in the average rate of 79.98 % . 2 .

  3. 肉制品中合成着色剂和苏丹红染料的改进HPLC法测定固相萃取高效液相色谱法测定辣椒油中苏丹红和对位红染料

    Determination of Four Edible Synthesized Coloring Matter and Sudan Dyes in Meat Products by Performance Liquid Chromatography ; Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC Determination of Six Sudan Reds and Para Red in Pepper Oil

  4. 微胶囊化对辣椒油中的辣椒素能够起一定程度的保护作用。(5)、微胶囊化对辣椒油有一定的抗氧化作用,其中稀释法比调pH法效果要好。

    Microencapsulation of capsaicin in hot pepper oil to a certain degree of protective effect . ( 5 )、 Microencapsulation of capsicum oil has some anti-oxidation , in which dilution law than the effect of pH should be better .

  5. 如果再加上一点儿辣椒油就再好不过了。

    It 'll be just perfect with a little chili oil .

  6. 辣椒油中苏丹红I号检测能力验证研究

    Study on Proficiency Testing of Determination of Sudan I in Chili Oil

  7. 他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。

    He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil .

  8. 辣椒油制作中油的选择与工艺参数的试验研究

    Experimental study on oil choice and technics parameters of capsicum oil preparation

  9. 随好可以将它们和辣椒油以及蔬菜丝一块拌炒。

    If you prefer stir them with some chilli oil and vegetable shreds .

  10. 然后是一道经典美味:用辣椒油拌的很有嚼头的薄切牛腱肉。

    Then thin , chewy slices of beef tendon in chile oil , classic and great .

  11. 我妈妈做菜很喜欢用辣椒油和蒜泥调味。揉匀擀成

    My mother likes flavouring dishes with chili oil and smashed garlic . knead together roll into

  12. 木兰就作料,有咸盐、味精、辣椒油和葱花就蛮好。

    Mulan on condiments , originates , monosodium glutamate , pepper oil and mustard on the fine .

  13. 这些橄榄在辣椒油里泡过,其中一些还塞着小辣椒。

    They have been marinated in chilli oil , and some have been stuffed with tiny hot peppers .

  14. 北方人和西南地区的人们爱在菜上浇辣椒油或辣椒酱。

    People in the north and southwest like to dress their dish with chilli oil or chilli paste .

  15. 加入调料,主要是蒜汁、辣椒油,口味酸辣之中透着蒜香。

    Adding spices , mainly garlic juice , hot pepper oil , hot and sour taste of garlic shows .

  16. 接下来是美味多汁的薄皮猪肉饺子,盛放在用醋和辣椒油调制的酱汁里。

    Thin-skinned dumplings of juicy , sweet pork followed , resting in a pool of vinegar and chile oil .

  17. 配料:优质鲜牛肉、白砂糖、辣椒油、芝麻油、盐、调味料。

    Ingredients : fresh beef of high quality , sugar , chilli oil , sesame oil , salt , condiments .

  18. 配料是用黑醋和亮晶晶的辣椒油炒出的猪肉末,香味扑鼻。

    The dressing will be tangy bits of ground pork in black vinegar and a shimmering gloss of chile oil .

  19. 固相萃取-气质联用测定辣椒油中苏丹红Ⅰ和苏丹红Ⅱ

    Determination of Sudan ⅰ and Sudan ⅱ in Hot Chilli Oil by GC / MS Using Solid Phase Extraction Sample Pretreatment

  20. 诱饵中一部分涂上辣椒油;另一些注入了蒸馏水作控制之用。

    Some of the rubber peppers are smothered with pepper oil while others are injected with distilled water and used as controls .

  21. 这儿没有芥末油(辣椒油)了,给拿点来好吗?

    There is not any mustard ( chilli oil ) here . Could you fetch me some wile you are at it ?

  22. 皮塔克大厨说,大葱、泡菜、青柠角,当然还有无所不在的辣椒油。

    ' Shallots , pickles , lime wedge , and of course , the ubiquitous chili oil , ' says the chef .

  23. 这些往往是担任了芝麻糊和辣椒油酱作为菜所谓的“红油馄饨”。

    These are often served in a sesame paste and chili oil sauce as a dish called " red oil wonton " .

  24. 小小的冷豆腐块布满葱花和碎花生,辣椒油把豆腐块染成了红色。

    Little chilled blocks of tofu will be covered with scallions and chopped peanuts turned the color of bricks by chile oil .

  25. 我趁妻子上厨房去拿辣椒油的工夫,偷偷把大钱饺子拨在她的碗里。

    Taking the opportunity when she went to the kitchen for chilli oil , I put the good-luck dumpling into her bowl .

  26. 配方中的酸、大蒜粉、辣椒油和酱油对控制产品的微生物能起到一定的作用。

    Formulation of acid , garlic powder , chili oil and soy sauce can play a role on the control of microbial products .

  27. 中国北部和西部的人民嗜辣,所以有时会加辣椒油或者朝天椒来调味。

    In North and West China , where spicy foods are preferred , chili oil or Sichuan peppercorns are added for that extra kick .

  28. 珠江桥酱油、老干妈辣椒油等中国产品颇受顾客的欢迎。

    Products from China popular with shoppers include Pearl River Bridge 's range of soy sauces and Lao Gan Ma 's Hot Chili Oil .

  29. 担担面不够让人信服:辣椒油只有辣味,而且一入口就觉得辣,没有回味或质感,就像两秒钟的脱衣舞。

    And dan dan noodles lack conviction : The chile oil is merely , instantly hot , without buildup or context , like a two-second striptease .

  30. 面条质量上乘,肉料汤汁营养丰富,面条颜色浅淡,辣椒油漂浮在泡面表层,好吃极了!

    The noodles are high quality and the broth is luxuriant ; light in color with beads of chili oil float in a ballet of splendor .