
  • Lori;Lolita;Loly
  1. "可是萝莉为什么要问这样的问题呢?"我问。

    But why would Lori ask such a question ? I asked .

  2. 那是一个星期天的早晨。萝莉正忙着写书。

    It was a Sunday morning . Lori was busy writing in her book .

  3. "这个电脑里一定有上百段萝莉从来没看过或不记得的她自己的视频。"

    There must be hundreds of videos of Lori in the computer that Lori has never seen or doesn 't remember .

  4. 卡罗:(萝莉开始再度运球)现在那样做十分钟

    Carol : [ Laurie starts dribbling again ] Now do that for ten minutes .

  5. 萝莉:不是,点心比较像是广东菜。

    LORI : No , dim sum is more Cantonese style .

  6. 萝莉:嘿,但是我有投进一个三分球!

    Laurie : Hey , but I made a three-pointer !

  7. 萝莉:我的步法不是很好。

    Laurie : My footwork 's not exactly pretty .

  8. 萝莉:我不是全都学了吗?

    Laurie : Didn 't I learn everything yesterday ?

  9. 萝莉看到这只大狗时,开始害怕地直发抖。

    Lori began to tremble with fear when she saw the big dog .

  10. 萝莉:我好担心我会在全国电视上丢你的脸。

    Laurie : I 'm so worried I 'll embarrass you on national television .

  11. 卡罗:心放在比赛上,不要讲废话,萝莉!

    Carol : Concentrate on the game , not on talking trash , Laurie !

  12. 萝莉:别忘了我的带球上篮喔。

    Laurie : Don 't forget my lay-up .

  13. 这位装萝莉的大姐,我们找不到高帽子男

    Grown lady dressed like a doll , we can 't find tall hat ,

  14. 萝莉:我今天表现如何?

    Laurie : How 'd I do today ?

  15. 萝莉:我们要去新中国城吃晚餐。

    LORI : We 're going up to the " new " Chinatown for dinner .

  16. 萝莉:是的,这些菜肴都是不同的点心。

    LORI : Yes , all these dishes are different " dim sum " dishes .

  17. 我怀疑那个导演是个萝莉控(性倾向扭曲者),尽管他参与过许多大作的拍摄。

    I suspect that this director adores little girls even though he is involved in major works .

  18. 萝莉:知道吗,我打赌我会是这项运动的天生好手!

    Laurie : You know , I bet I 'm going to be a natural at this sport !

  19. 萝莉:你要我看的那些旧比赛的影片,真的很有帮助。

    Laurie : All those videos of old games that you 're having me watch are really helping .

  20. 萝莉夏季时装,新潮新款,是靓女们的明智选择。

    Rowley summer dress , in new style and new fashion , is the wise choice of the pretty girls .

  21. 听一首浪漫的婚礼曲足以令人感动落泪——甚至是一个才两岁大的小萝莉。

    Listening to a romantic wedding song can be enough to reduce anyone to tears - even a two-year-old girl .

  22. 萝莉:我的肌肉不再让我痛得要死了,但我却觉得脑袋快要爆炸了。

    Laurie : My muscles aren 't killing me anymore , but I feel like my brain 's about to explode .

  23. 翅膀也做了进一步改良,恶魔的翅膀覆盖了天使的翅膀。比正常版的萝莉更增添了一分邪恶的气质。

    The wings are improved : evil part is bigger than angel part , add the bad side of this character .

  24. 迪斯尼加公主这个组合往往意味着:这是一部专攻萝莉市场的电影。

    The combination of the words Disney and princess used to mean one thing : a film targeted at the little-girl market .

  25. 当放到歌词出现的部分,小萝莉崩溃了,一边哭着一边以手掩面。

    As soon as the lyrics begin , the toddler breaks down , covering her face with her hands as she cries .

  26. 做淑女并不代表要扮萝莉、软弱或顺从,你应该表现出智慧内在的力量和无可挑剔的行为规范。

    Being ladylike doesn 't mean being girly , weak and submissive - you must show intelligence , inner strength and impeccable manners .

  27. 葛萝莉雅:真是无可救药!男人就是这样的!那些装饰品在阁楼一个写著「陵威士忌」纸板盒里。

    Gloria : hopeless ! Just like a man ! They 're in the cardboard box marked " green 's whiskey " in the loft .

  28. 混合着女汉子和萝莉的风格,这名两岁的娃穿着漂亮的粉红色扣角领茶花连衣裙,搭配着黑色皮革马丁靴,看起来非常可爱。

    Mixing grungy and girlie styles , the two-year-old looked positively adorable in a pretty pink button-down tea dress , which she teamed with tiny black leather Doc Marten boots .

  29. 和服也是常见的主题,配以染成深紫蓝色的纠缠不清的发髻,高贵地反映了时下日本从「萝莉塔情结」演译出来的「萝莉控」。

    The kimono motif is prevalent , with bound beehive hair stained a deep indigo violet shade , elegantly reflecting the current Japanese transliteration of the Lolita complex , called Lolicon .

  30. 随着音乐小萝莉变得越来越忧伤,直到最后她连连摆手,示意妈妈切换音乐。

    The girl gets more and more emotional as the song goes on , until finally she waves her hands in the air , signalling for her mother to change the tune .