
  • 网络Luogang District
  1. 而目前,他看好萝岗区的潜力和机会。

    At present , he Luogang District about the potential and opportunities .

  2. 当然,有些企业是萝岗区提前让他倒闭了。

    Of course , some enterprises are Luogang District in advance so that he failed .

  3. 近日,该男子因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪被萝岗区检察院批准逮捕。

    Recently , the man has been arrested for extortion Luogang District Procuratorate approved the arrest .

  4. 萝岗区在什么方位,恐怕也要过一段时间才能有点感觉。

    Luogang zone in what position , I am afraid we can not feel over time .

  5. 广州市萝岗区农村居民健康素养状况及健康教育需求调查

    Survey on health literacy status and health education needs among rural residents of Luogang District in Guangzhou

  6. 预计到2015年萝岗区生产总值将达到3000亿元。

    By the end of 2015 , the GDP in Luogang district will reach 300 billion yuan .

  7. 目的分析广州市萝岗区城乡居民潜在卫生服务需求及有关原因。

    Objective To analyze the potential medical demand and its causation in Luogang borough citizens of Guangzhou .

  8. 生态基础设施导向的区域空间规划战略&广州市萝岗区实证研究

    Research on Regional Spatial Planning Strategy Guided by Ecological Infrastructure & Case Study of Luogang District , Guangzhou City

  9. 广州国际体育演艺中心位于广州市萝岗区,这是广州亚运会新建场馆,用于此次亚运会的篮球比赛。

    The Arena is located in the Luogang District of Guangzhou , built for basketball of the Asian Games this year .

  10. 参照当地生态基础设施的基本空间格局特征,提出了广州市萝岗区空间规划的基本模式和发展战略。

    At last , the EI spatial characters of Luogang is analyzed , and a spatial planning scheme and corresponding developing strategy were presented .

  11. 因此,必须谋求另一个更有发展空间、环境更好的核心区以促进萝岗区进一步发展。

    Therefore , we must seek another area with more development space and a better environment as the core area for further development of Luogang District .

  12. 龙光香悦山位于广州萝岗区科学城,是萝岗区科学城内唯一在售的纯别墅项目。

    Located in Science City , Luogang District , Guangzhou , Longguang ? Fragrant Hill is the only villa community for sale within Science City . Longguang ?

  13. 萝岗区“总工会”慰问领导亲切的把一串串千纸鹤带到了孩子们的胸前,看孩子们笑得多灿烂啊!

    The leaders of the General Labor Union are hanging the Thousand Papermade Cranes in the front of the kids . Look , how happy they are !

  14. 这次新增的萝岗区和南沙区,就是这两个广州经济未来两大“经济发动机”的升格。

    The new Luogang District and the Spratly Islands District , Guangzhou is the economic future of both the two major " economic engine " of the upgrade .

  15. 例如九龙工业园里面的产业档次不高,附加值不高,都是些劳动密集型的企业,萝岗区对其进行了清理。

    Such as Kowloon industrial park inside the industrial level is not high , added value high , are more labor-intensive enterprises , Luogang District carried out clean-up .

  16. 目前,随着开发区并入萝岗区的政策即将正式实施,必将对开发区的房地产市场产生长远的影响。

    Currently , the development zone will be incorporated into the formal implementation of Luogang District policy , the real estate market is bound to have a long-term development zone .

  17. 在西区仍作为萝岗核心区的背后,存在发展空间受限,环境容量满负荷等制约因素,已不能满足萝岗区的发展需求。

    Behind the fact that the western area remains as the core of the Luogang District , limited space for development and environmental constraints such as full load capacity cannot meet the development needs of Luogang District .

  18. 本文规划研究为萝岗区未来几年中低压配电网规划建设提供技术支撑和参考,将大幅提高电网的供电可靠性和运行经济性,以满足全市建设和经济发展的需要。

    This work will provide technical support and reference for Luogang distribution network in the coming years , and improving power supply reliability and operation economics , in order to satisfy the need of the city construction and economic development .

  19. 萝岗中心区面积约为4.2平方公里,从2005年至2007年逐步规划为萝岗区的核心地带,2007年末开始大规模建设施工,2009年已基本建成,萝岗区政府也于同年8月从西区迁移至此。

    Luogang Center is about 4.2 square kilometers . It is planned step by step as the core area of Luogang District from 2005 to 2007 , with large-scale constructions began in late 2007 , and the basic construction has been completed in 2009 .