
  • 网络Murray;Mori;moree;maury
  1. 案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们将为天王提供医疗设备,并聘请康拉德·莫里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会。

    The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London .

  2. 我很喜欢它,谢谢。他告诉莫里。

    ' I enjoyed it , thanks , ' he told Murray .

  3. 我碰巧有一瓶罕见的莫里陈酿,它是皇谷御酿酒庄(LaCoumeduRoy)1965年酿造的。上周我把它打开,尝试和巧克力搭配。

    I happened to have a rare bottle of older Maury , a 1965 from La Coume du Roy , which I opened last week to try with chocolate .

  4. 但是另外两种不太出名的强化葡萄酒也很棒:莫里(Maury)和巴纽尔斯(Banyuls)。

    But two other , lesser known fortified wines , Maury and Banyuls , were great .

  5. 但是你偶尔仍能找到莫里和巴纽尔斯葡萄酒,大多是用歌海娜葡萄(grenache)酿造的。

    But you can still find occasional bottles of Maury and Banyuls , made largely with the grenache grape .

  6. 莫里女士建议搭乘人力车在附近游玩,穿过隅田公园(SumidaPark),它是早春时节在东京看樱花的去处之一。

    Ms. Mori recommended a rickshaw tour of the neighborhood , passing along Sumida Park , one of the many places in Tokyo to see sakura , or cherry blossoms , in the early spring .

  7. 英国专门提供医疗保健服务的私营公司BUPA委托莫里调查公司做了此项调查,其调查结果成为英国老龄化的一个有力证据。

    Private health care provider BUPA commissioned the survey as part of a debate on the implications of an ageing population .

  8. 马克莫里,尼达姆公司的分析家,对Riquent(里康)比较有信心,在5月中旬,他以9美元买入LJP的股票。

    Mark Monane , analyst with Needham & Co. , was more sanguine about Riquent , rating LJP at " buy " with a $ 9 price target in mid-May .

  9. 90岁的寿司大师小野二郎(JiroOno)已经具有令人敬畏的地位,2012年的记录片《寿司之神》(JiroDreamsofSushi)更是让他成为传奇。这家餐厅只有10个座位,很难进入,但莫里能安排。

    The 90-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono 's already formidable status was made outright legendary with the release of the 2012 documentary " Jiro Dreams of Sushi . " The 10-seat restaurant is difficult to get into , but Ms. Mori can make the arrangements .

  10. 莫里Warshawski:当然,我的第一个建议是,让主机一书的副本,并告诉他们,我看它涉及到包括获得舒适与整个进程。

    Morrie Warshawski : Of course , my first recommendation would be to give the host a copy of my book and tell them to read it cover-to-cover to get comfortable with the whole process .

  11. 莫里无力地抬抬手,连腹部也没超过。

    Morrie weakly lifted a hand , halfway up his belly .

  12. 因此我毫不知晓莫里得病的情况。

    So I did not know of Mor rie 's illness .

  13. 这是莫里第一次说他在同上帝交谈。

    It was the first time Morrie admitted talking to God .

  14. 莫里小姐把阁楼的房间安排给我了

    Merante has given me a room in the attic .

  15. 莫里不仅是个演员,还是一家剧院的经理。

    Morley was not only an actor but also a theater manager .

  16. 莫里说,他用的另外两种药物都是苯二氮。

    Lorazepam and two other drugs Murray said he used are benzodiazepines .

  17. 莫里你叫我别拍这部电影。

    Morley , you told me not to do it .

  18. 莫里你忘了我们也不能啊

    Well , Murray , lest you forget , neither are we .

  19. 科佩尔问莫里他对死神的临近是不是感到更害怕了。

    Koppel asked if Morrie was more afraid now that death was near .

  20. 但莫里累得连笑都很困难。

    But Morrie was too tired even to grin .

  21. 莫里说,这一地区的很多豪华酒店都提供可以与之媲美的自助餐。

    Ms. Mori said many luxury hotels in the area had comparable buffets .

  22. 好了,我们来讨论“与莫里共度周二”,还讨论?

    Let 's discuss Tuesdays with Morrie , Again ?

  23. 第五部分莫里:我的老教授

    Part 5 : Morrie : My Old Professor

  24. 医生估计他还有两年的时间,而莫里知道他的时日还要更短。

    Doctors guessed he had two years left . Morrie knew it was less .

  25. 喷出的墨水里有一种麻醉剂可以混淆莫里鳗鱼的敏感的嗅觉。

    That squirt of ink contains an anesthetic that foils the moray 's sensitive nose .

  26. 莫里将走过最后那座连接生与死的桥梁,并讲述这段旅程。

    Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death , and narrate the trip .

  27. 采访快要结束时,莫里给科佩尔念了一封他收到的信。

    Before the show ended , Morrie read Koppel one of the letters he 'd received .

  28. 当菜上来时我想我看见了莫里在窗外。

    While the dishes were being served . I thought I saw Murry outside of the window .

  29. 你来点牛奶吗,托博莫里?她用高而不自然的声音问。

    ' Would you like some milk , Tobermory ? 'she asked in ahigh , unnatural voice .

  30. 莫里先生决定向帕尔玛市的国家考古学博物馆专家联系,告诉他们他的发现。

    Mr Mori decided to alert experts from the National Archaeological Museum in Parma about his find .