
  1. 莫德纳公司的第二种疫苗预计将于明年1月初获批。

    A second vaccine by Moderna is expected to be approved in early January .

  2. 现在回到美国,张正在考虑辉瑞或莫德纳公司的加强针。

    Now back in the U.S , Zhang is considering a Pfizer or Moderna booster .

  3. 食品及药物管理局正在与辉瑞和莫德纳公司合作,为这些易感人群提供加强针。

    The FDA is working with Pfizer and Moderna to allow boosters for these vulnerable people .

  4. 一旦获得紧急使用授权,莫德纳公司将开始运送数百万剂疫苗,专门用于卫生工作者和养老院患者。

    Once emergency use authorization is granted , Moderna will begin shipping millions of doses , earmarked for health workers and nursing home patients .

  5. 这是莫德纳和辉瑞公司的疫苗数据总和。

    The tally is for both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines .

  6. 美国食品药品监督管理局还批准了莫德纳和强生公司的疫苗用于紧急使用。

    The FDA has also approved vaccines from Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for emergency use .