
  • 网络Moulton;morton;Malton
  1. 萨拉•埃弗里特(SaraEverett)已经为私人股本界老将乔恩•莫尔顿(JonMoulton)当了30年的私人助理。

    Sara Everett has been a PA for private equity veteran Jon Moulton for 30 years .

  2. 莫尔顿商店不得不进一步提高价格以弥补业已增加的开支。

    Moulton 's have had to raise their prices still higher to cover increased costs .

  3. 既然莫尔顿先生是位医生,我想他应该有点聪明才智。

    Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor , I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence .

  4. 莫尔顿还另有一名私人助理,专门帮他处理BetterCapital业务。

    He has another PA dealing solely with his Better Capital business .

  5. 莫尔顿承认的缺点就是:自我意识过剩。

    His stated fault : excess of ego .

  6. 埃弗里特称,她认识莫尔顿太久了,以至于她连他在想什么都知道。

    Ms Everett says she has known Mr Moulton so long that she knows how he thinks .

  7. 因此,从九月起,北安普敦郡的莫尔顿科学院的学生将被迫穿合身的黑色长裤。

    Instead , from September , students at Moulton School and Science College in Northamptonshire will be forced to wear black tailored trousers .

  8. 该公司6月15日发表声明称,其以3100万美元购入邻近伦敦西区购物中心牛津街的物业南莫尔顿街28号。

    The company said in a statement today it has acquired property at28 South Molton Street near the Oxford Street shopping area in the West End of London for approximately $ 31 million .