
  • 网络Lindbergh;lindberg;J.LINDEBERG
  1. 欧内斯特·阿尔帕斯和奥托·G·林德伯格,他们在1937年发布了这版地图。

    Ernest Alpers and Otto G Lindberg , and they released this map in 1937 .

  2. 林德伯格最近在逛曼哈顿的梅西百货(Macy's)时说,如今每个人都有一个MichaelKors包包。她在梅西百货买了一个KateSpade金色包包。

    ' These days , everyone has a Michael Kors bag , ' Ms. Lindberg said on a recent trip to Macy 's in Manhattan , where she bought a gold Kate Spade satchel .

  3. 反英情绪之深之烈令林德伯格大为震惊。

    Lindbergh was startled at the ferocious depth of anti-British feeling .

  4. 布丽奇特的孩子曾经同样承诺过要保守这些秘密,直到2001年布丽奇特去世后,他们决定公开表示,他们怀疑林德伯格是自己的父亲。后来的DNA检测证实了他们的猜测。

    Brigitte 's children remained faithful to the same vow until their mother died in2001 , when they decided to speak out about the man they always suspected was their father .

  5. 得克萨斯的营销主管林德伯格(ErinnLindberg)多年来都是Kors的忠实粉丝,但现在她对这个品牌已不再那么热衷。

    Erinn Lindberg , a marketing executive from Texas , had been a loyal Kors fan for years but is now less enthusiastic about the brand .

  6. 人们把林德伯格叫做“飞行白痴”。

    Men called Lindbergh the " flying fool " .

  7. 林德伯格踏上了飞往巴黎的征途。

    Lindbergh was on his way to paris .

  8. 林德伯格教他的新婚妻子学习飞行。

    Lindbergh taught his new wife to fly .

  9. 因为他认为林德伯格可能会失败。

    Company officials thought Lindbergh might fail .

  10. 林德伯格和圣路易斯之神就被欢呼和呐喊的巨大人群给包围了。

    Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis were surrounded by a huge crowd of shouting , crying , joyful people .

  11. 罗斯福·菲尔德,是查尔斯A·林德伯格1927年穿越大西洋飞行的出发点。

    Roosevelt Field , the starting point for Charles A.Lindbergh's1927 transatlantic flight , is in the village . Population , 21,686 .

  12. 两年之后,日本袭击了美国夏威夷珍珠港的海军基地,林德伯格停止了美国保持中立的呼吁。

    Lindbergh stopped calling for American neutrality two years later when Japan attacked the United States navy base at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii .

  13. 迪尔克和阿斯特丽德由于童年时的一场病导致不能正常行走。林德伯格的家人认为,基因优良的林德伯格绝对不可能有残疾的女儿。

    It was very surprising for his family to learn that he had fathered children to two disabled women who were unable to walk properly .

  14. 上午预赛过后,她排名第四,位居俄罗斯选手维拉伊琳娜、瑞典14岁小将安娜林德伯格和乌克兰选手奥列娜朱皮娜之后。

    She was fourth in the finals field after morning preliminaries , trailing Vera ilyina of russia , 14-year-old Anna Lindberg of Sweden and olena zhupyna of the ukraine .

  15. 他们共养育了6个孩子。但1932年,林德伯格仅20个月大的长子被绑架撕票,这场轰动全美的大案已使他们的婚姻名存实亡。

    He and Anne had six children , their marriage apparently surviving the tragic death of their son , Charles , who at20 months old was abducted and killed in1932 .

  16. 林德伯格那样优秀的飞行员,在建造了自己的飞机后,他劝说米妮加入他的首次飞行,却以一系列的幽默和意外结束。

    After building his own aircraft , he proceeds to ask Minnie to join him for its first flight , which results in a series of humorous , out-of-control situations .

  17. “我真地很高兴看到这个东西,”圣地亚哥动物学会大熊猫保护中心办公室的前任主任、保护学家唐纳德林德伯格说。

    " I was really thrilled to read this ," says conservation scientistDonald Lindburg , former head of the Office of Giant Panda Conservationat the Zoological Society of San Diego .

  18. 但是,当他向别人展示这项成果时,别人告诉他,中心极限定理已经在1922年被林德伯格证明了。

    But when he showed his work to someone else , he was told that the Central Limit Theorem , as the result was called , had already been proved in 1922 by a certain Lindeberg .