- retarder

Research on Preparation for FGD Desulfurized Slag and It ` s Application as Cement Retarder
Cement Retarder & Low Viscosity CMC
SEM photographs indicate that the microstructure of hardening cement with super - retarding agent is more compact .
This paper also analyzed the mechanism of LC raising the strength of cement .
Dispersing / retarding agent td-1a for oil well cement
Experimental Study of Cement and Concrete Mixed with FDG Desulfurized Slag as Set-Retard Admixture
The retarding properties of cement paste with the super-retarding agent have been characterized and analyzed by means of XRD and SEM .
Laboratory study on oil well cement retardant PQ of ultra-high temperature tolerance
The results showed that for gypsum with different pH value , fineness , and variety , action effects of retarders on setting time and strength was also different .
IR analysis shows that SA is an AMPS-TA binary copolymer .
Effect of WH ⅱ Super Retarder on Durability of Concrete by Experiments
A retarding agent 's role is , in the main , to inhibit the hydration of C_3S in cement and in turn is constrained by C_3A .
The compatibility of different superplasticizers with cement that added phosphogypsum or natural gypsum as retarder was studied by means of Marsh Cone .
This paper introduces the results of laboratory experiment and field application hy using the low viscosity CMC as a retarder in cement slurry .
Tests proved that SJ-H1 high range retarding agent could be used in small content with good retarding effect .
A new type of super retarder agent ( SRA ) was made from cane sugar ;
Optimal logging time delay 2 ~ 3 hours when cement retarder increases 0 2 % under the same temperature and same water cement ratio ;
This paper presents the results of laboratory evaluation and field tests in 3 wells of a bifunctional additive for oil well cement , dispersant / retarder TD-1A .
Optimal logging time reduces about 2 hours when the temperature increases 10 ℃ under the conditions of the same water cement ratio and same cement retarder ;
The hydration rate of Class G net oil-well cement slurry and the slurry with retarder tartaric acid is measured respectively by the methods of electrical conductance and acidity , and then the retardation mechanism of tartaric acid is discussed .
The retardant PQ which is further modified by deep sulfonating has better slow hardening effect and can stand higher temperature ( 200 ℃) .
However , these retarders delays onset of C3S hydration and may therefore also delay strength evolution .
The action mechanism of the retarder was studied by XRD , SEM , DTA with the measurements of ettringite formed and the analyses of the liquid composition of cement pastes at the initial hydration stage .
The turbidity of fresh paste with or without retarder was measured by live test to determine the induction period of gypsum crystal formation under different conditions , and the effect of retarder on gypsum crystal appearance by SEM photo was discussed .
Thickening time can be adjusted to 337 min under 120 ℃ by the regular retarder . The SPS has been proved to have no side effects on cement slurry 's other properties .
This paper expresses a kind of CWP composite cement grout made up of water , cement , water glass as accelerant and phosphate as retarder .
The CWP composite cement grout is made from cement , water , waterglass ( used as accelerator ) and metaphosphate ( used as retarder ) .
In this paper , the self-made dispersant F-2 , organic slow dilution agent , early strength agent and activator are sieved by MTC composition .
By the request of the field application the compatible retarder should be added and control the initial setting time in the scope of 4-10 h ;
Experimental Study of CH20L & A High Temperature Oilwell Cement Retarder