
  • 网络wear new clothes
  1. 她总是试图用穿新衣给人留下印象。

    She 's always trying to make an impression on people with her new clothes .

  2. 和女孩约会可不是实验新装的时候,穿新衣也许会让你看起来自私,笨拙。

    Now is not the time to experiment with a whole new look that may make you feel self-conscious or awkward .

  3. 所以,真的有必要花费力气在第一次穿新衣之前就把它们给洗一遍吗?

    So is it really necessary to go to all of the trouble of washing those brand-new garments before you wear them for the first time ?

  4. 过新年穿新衣,就像西方小儿童期盼圣诞礼物一样,是基于中国小姑娘,特别是农村小姑娘最美好的愿望。

    Like western children who are looking forward to Christmas gift , wearing new clothes is the beautiful wish for Chinese girls , especially for countryside girls .

  5. 德国人元旦还有穿新衣的习俗,他们认为新年换新衣,一切都如意;

    German New Year 's Day was also the custom of wearing new clothes , they think that the New Year for new clothes , everything is wishful ;

  6. 在珂赛特方面,出现了爱打扮的癖好,在这陌生人方面,有了穿新衣的习惯,冉阿让对这两者之间的平行关系感到很不痛快。

    There was a coincidence between the taste for the toilet which had recently come to Cosette , and the habit of new clothes developed by that stranger which was very repugnant to Jean Valjean .

  7. 中国农历新年,或者说春节,是一个幸福快乐,家人团聚,吃美食、穿新衣、通宵欢庆的时刻。

    Chinese Lunar New Year , or the Spring Festival , has always been a time of joy and happiness , and a time of family reunion , fine cuisine , new clothes , a sleepless night with carnivals .

  8. 新加坡人还爱穿新衣,我的一位老师怀孕时,居然孕妇装也换上十几套,让人目不暇接,眼花缭乱。

    And Singaporeans love new attire , too . A teacher of mine , when pregnant , changed out of one and into another of her dozen suits of expectant mother 's wear in such quick succession that dazzled the beholder .

  9. 如果这些现实,加上贝尔西托有关“真菌会滞留一段时间”的警告都不足以让你想要在穿新衣之前先清洗一次,或许应该建议你洗两次---医生们都这么做。

    If that , along with Belsito 's added warning that " fungus can hang around for a while , " isn 't enough to make you want to wash those new items once before wearing them , maybe it should make you want to wash them twice - that 's what the doctor does .

  10. 一定要穿上新衣!

    You should definitely be wearing new clothes .

  11. 穿上新衣,我自己看出我的美。

    When I put on a new gown , I could see that I was beautiful .

  12. 我对太太撒了个善意的谎言,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。

    I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes .

  13. 他天天早晨穿上新衣,却不是让人看,第二天又重来。

    He put on his new coat every morning , for the purpose of not showing himself , and he began all over again on the morrow .

  14. 马吕斯在这样的晚上便穿上他的新衣。

    On such evenings , Marius put on his new coat .