
  • 网络kampot;Ba. Lobsang Gonbo
贡布 [gòng bù]
  • [Kampot] 柬埔寨南部的海港,位于金边西南方约120公里,人口1.5万(1971),为胡椒种植中心

  1. 我在一艘自河边小镇贡布(Kampot)出发,摇摇晃晃前往泰国湾(GulfofThailand)的橙色小船上,踮着脚尖走过一块块的木制船板。

    I tiptoed across the wood planks of a wobbly orange boat heading from the riverside town Kampot to the Gulf of Thailand .

  2. 贡布省其他6人的检测结果也是H5流感病毒阴性。

    Results from a further six people from Kampot Province have also tested negative for H5 influenza virus .

  3. 这名来自贡布省的28岁男子于3月17日出现症状并于3月21日在金边住院。

    The28-year-old man , from Kampot Province , developed symptoms on17 March and was hospitalized in Phnom Penh on21 March .

  4. 从该村庄照护她的4名密切接触者以及贡布和金边的9名医疗接触者那里采集了样本。

    Samples were collected from four close contacts who cared for her at the village and nine medical contacts from Kampot and Phnom Penh .

  5. 由柬埔寨卫生部和农业部以及世界卫生组织组成的一支联合特派团目前正在贡布省调查围绕此病例的情况。

    A joint mission of the Cambodian Ministries of Health and of Agriculture and of WHO is in Kampot Province , investigating the circumstances surrounding this case .

  6. 柬埔寨穆斯林大多居住在南部贡布省洞里湖和湄公河沿岸的城镇与渔村。

    Cambodian Muslims are generally located in towns and rural fishing villages on the banks of the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers and in Kampot Province in the south .

  7. 这名高中女生来自柬埔寨2月份报告的第1例禽流感发生的相同地区–贡布省磅咋叻区。

    The woman , a secondary school student , was from Kompong Trach district in Kampot province , the same district as the first case reported from Cambodia in February .