
dēnɡ shān yùn dònɡ yuán
  • mountaineer;climber;Alpinist
  1. 他不具备一个优秀登山运动员应有的毅力。

    He doesn 't have the backbone to be a good climber .

  2. 埃德?维埃斯图尔斯是第一位攀登全世界所有8000米以上高峰的美国登山运动员,他是拉法耶准备与之合作的为数不多的登山运动员之一。

    Ed Viesturs , the first American climber to scale all the world's8,000m peaks , was one of the few mountaineers with whom Lafaille was prepared to share a rope .

  3. 登山运动员一步一步地攀登积雪的山峰。

    The mountaineers inched their ways up the snowcapped peak .

  4. 中国登山运动员决心登上世界最高峰。

    The Chinese climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world .

  5. 登山运动员可以在靴子上捆上尖钉,这样有助于在很滑的陡坡上站住脚。Without条件

    Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope .

  6. 意大利登山运动员莱因霍尔德•梅斯纳尔(ReinholdMessner)1991年曾有幸目睹了真容。

    Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner saw it in 1991 .

  7. 很少登山运动员能象那两个人那样充分发挥自己的能力。

    Few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have .

  8. 登山运动员在山洞里躲避暴风雨。

    The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave .

  9. 天气晴朗,登山运动员向着那座山出发了。

    The climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather .

  10. 这个人常爬山。他是一位登山运动员。

    This man climbs mountains . he 's a mountain climber .

  11. 登山运动员们在半山腰有个营地。

    The climbers had a camp halfway up the mountain .

  12. 据报道有两名登山运动员在暴风雪中遇难。

    It is reported that two mountaineers were killed in the snowstorm .

  13. 埃德蒙希拉里爵士以登山运动员而出名。

    Sir Edmund Hillary became famous as a mountain climber .

  14. 那名登山运动员慢慢地从山顶向山下移动。

    The climber edged slowly down from the summit of the mountain .

  15. 两个人自告奋勇去寻找那位失踪的登山运动员。

    Two men volunteered to search for the missing climber .

  16. 一个登山运动员必须学会吃苦。

    A mountaineer must learn to stand the gaff .

  17. 人们发现三名登山运动员死在山上,彼此用绳子系在一起。

    Three climbers have been found dead , roped together on the mountain .

  18. 专攀登难登的高山的登山运动员。

    A mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs .

  19. 他给我们讲述他当登山运动员时建功立业的一些令人毛骨耸然的事。

    He told us some hair-raising stories about his exploits as a mountaineer .

  20. 登山运动员又在半路上遇上了暴风雪。

    The mountaineers ran into a snowstorm halfway down .

  21. 这位登山运动员试图登上珠穆朗玛峰。

    The climber made an attempt on Mount Qomolangma .

  22. 我永远也当不了登山运动员,因为我对高山反应强烈。

    I could never be a mountaineer ; I have no head for heights .

  23. 不,她是职业登山运动员。

    Yes , she 's a professional climber .

  24. 天气突然变坏,我真替登山运动员担心。

    I fear for the safety of those mountain-climbers in this sudden bad weather .

  25. 登山运动员必须身体健壮。

    A mountain climber must be tough .

  26. 这个登山运动员开始强力呼吸。

    The mountain climber started to hyperventilate .

  27. 对登山运动员式的派克外套无感?

    Not a fan of the parka ?

  28. 登山运动员在攀登悬崖峭壁时摔断了一条腿,住院治疗了一个月。

    The mountaineer broke a leg while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month .

  29. 现代登山运动员力图沿着那些能带来大运动量的路线来攀登山峰。

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport .

  30. 埃德蒙希拉里和丹增诺盖是最早登上珠穆朗玛峰峰顶的登山运动员。

    Sir Edmund hillaruy and Tenzing Norgay were the first mountaineers to reach the top of qomolangma .