
dēnɡ jī pái
  • boarding pass
  1. 请准备好您的登机牌和身份证明。

    Please have your boarding pass and identification ready .

  2. 例如,我命令手表显示美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)的登机牌,它告诉我,必须先在智能手机上查看。

    For instance , to call up an American Airlines boarding pass , the watch told me I first had to view it on my smartphone .

  3. HelloKitty的旅程是从HelloKitty的登机牌和行李标签开始的。

    The Hello Kitty journey starts with Hello Kitty boarding passes and baggage stickers .

  4. 我还用它在纽约支付了打车费,在全食超市(WholeFoods)结账,并向机场安检人员展示了我的登机牌。

    I also used the Watch to pay for New York cabs and groceries at Whole Foods , and to present my boarding pass to security agents at the airport .

  5. 现在她已重新开始工作&在纽约的肯尼迪国际机场(JohnF.KennedyInternationalAirport)检查登机牌,工资是7.25美元一小时,而且没有医疗保险。

    Now she 's working again - checking boarding passes at New York 's John F. Kennedy International Airport and making $ 7.25 an hour without health benefits .

  6. 比如达美航空公司(DeltaAirlines)出品的FlyDelta应用就包含了一个AndroidWear版,一旦你把智能手表与手机进行配对,Wear版的应用就会自动安装,然后你就可以将腕表的屏幕当成登机牌来使用。

    For example , the Fly Delta app also includes an Android Wear app : Once you pair a watch to your smartphone , the Wear app is installed and you 're able to use the screen on your wrist as your boarding pass .

  7. 2000年10月25日,记者搭乘高丽航空公司航班前往平壤,对美国前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特(MadeleineAlbright)的访问做报道时的登机牌。

    A boarding pass from an Oct. 25 , 2000 , Air Koryo flight carrying journalists to Pyongyang to cover the visit of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright .

  8. 尽管Soghoian博士本人从未打印或使用过虚假登机牌,这个网页还是受到了广泛的媒体关注。

    The page received enormous press attention , even though he never printed out or used a false pass himself .

  9. 用电脑加上图像处理软件就可以轻松制成任何航班的虚假登机牌,这点另一位安全大师bruceschneier在2003年就已经指出。

    Fake boarding passes could easily be created for any flight using a computer and image-manipulation software , as had already been pointed out by Bruce Schneier , another security guru , in 2003 .

  10. 如果你乘搭过西北航空,所有他们的登机牌信息,还有旅客名单,都是储存在NetApp公司的。

    If you ever log on southwest airline , all of their check-in , and all of their passenger manifests and all of that stuff were stored on NetApp .

  11. 为吸引旅客加入Precheck计划并测试TSA应对更多旅客的能力,该机构一直在选择普通旅客通过Precheck安检通道,并将安检记录印在他们的登机牌上。

    To entice travelers into Precheck and test TSA 's ability to handle more people , the agency has been selecting regular passengers to go through Precheck security lanes and get it printed on their boarding passes .

  12. Precheck的免费体验把一些旅客弄得稀里糊涂其中包括东北大学的教授范贝内科姆他们的登机牌上通常都印有TSAPrecheck字样,于是自以为他们现在已经注册加入了该项目。

    The Precheck free trial has confused some travelers including Dr. Van Bennekom , the Northeastern University professor who routinely get boarding passes printed with ' TSA Precheck ' and assume they are now enrolled in the program .

  13. 日本航空的竞争对手全日空(ana)为国内航班推出电脑或手机检票服务的时间已有两年,如果电话上有射频晶片,还可以用于在机场的自助服务亭领取登机牌。

    At rival airline Ana , check-in via computer or mobile phone has been possible for two years for domestic flights , and if the phone has an RF ( radio frequency ) chip it can used to pick up a boarding pass from a self-service kiosk at the airport .

  14. 从5月1日起,Allegiant将开始对在机场打印登机牌的服务收费五美元,该公司每段航程都会收取10美元的网络订票费和至少10美元的登机行李费。

    On May 1 , Allegiant will start charging $ 5 to print a boarding pass at the airport , and it charges a $ 10 electronic-reservation fee per flight segment and at least $ 10 for carry-on bags that go in the overhead bin .

  15. ChristSoghoian只花了20分钟,就匆匆建成了一个网站,它可以输出虚假登机牌,但却招来了国会议员的谴责,联邦调查局的突袭,美国运输安全管理局的调查,全球媒体报道,以及最终的无罪证明。

    IT TOOK just 20 minutes to build , but Chris Soghoian 's hastily constructed website capable of generating fake airline boarding passes led to a rebuke from a congressman , a raid by the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , an investigation by the Transport Security Administration ( TSA ) , worldwide media coverage-and ultimate vindication .

  16. 我在哪可以换登机牌?

    Excuse me , where could I change the landing card ?

  17. 不,我还没有带我的登机牌。

    No , I haven 't brought my boarding card yet .

  18. 给您,太太。这是您的登机牌。

    Here you go , ma'am . This is your boarding pass .

  19. 是的,我已经带了登机牌了。

    Yes , I 've already brought my boarding card .

  20. 对有些旅行者来说,登机牌比房间钥匙更重要。

    For some travelers , the boarding pass trumps the room key .

  21. 您的登机牌?

    Your boarding pass , please . Oh , sure .

  22. 我可以现在帮她登记,给你登机牌。

    I can check her in now and give you a boarding pass .

  23. 这是您的机票及登机牌。

    Here 're your tickets and your boarding cards .

  24. 等一下!我想我把登机牌掉在那里了。

    Hang on ! I think I dropped the boarding passes back there !

  25. 请问哪里去换登机牌去蒙特哥湾?

    Please tell me where to check in for flight to Montego Bay ?

  26. 噢,不!我们还没有领到登机牌。

    Oh , no ! We haven 't got our boarding cards yet .

  27. 不知道你是不是已经把登机牌给丢了。

    I wouldn 't be surprised if you lost your boarding pass already .

  28. 在哪里换登机牌,给行李称重?

    Where can I get my boarding pass and have my luggage weighed ?

  29. 把您的登机牌给我好吗?我们要盖章。

    Can I have your boarding pass ? We need to stamp it .

  30. 大衣里还有登机牌票根

    Inside his coat he 's got a stub from his boarding pass ,