
chuān yuè
  • pass through;over;cut across
穿越 [chuān yuè]
  • [pass through] 跨过;越过;穿过

穿越[chuān yuè]
  1. 然后,基于应用IPSEC的思想,详细设计了移动IP穿越防火墙的方案。

    Then , based on applies IPSEC the thought , in detail designed moved IP to pass through the firewall the plan .

  2. WebServices技术具有良好的封装性、松散的耦合性、协议的独立性和高度的可集成性等特点,能够轻松穿越防火墙,实现应用软件之间跨平台、跨编程语言的集成和互操作。

    Web Services technology has a good encapsulation , loose coupling , the agreement and a high degree of independence and so can be integrated , and can easily pass through the firewall , between the cross-platform implementation of application software , integration and cross-programming language interoperability .

  3. 他踏上了穿越林莽的艰难征程。

    He started to slog his way through the undergrowth .

  4. 渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。

    Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island .

  5. 他们做了一次穿越森林的十英里徒步旅行。

    They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest .

  6. 不切实际的穿越沙漠计划已成泡影。

    The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing .

  7. 我和一个朋友徒步穿越了苏格兰。

    I walked across Scotland with a friend .

  8. 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。

    She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka .

  9. 弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。

    Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup

  10. 那时穿越边境并不困难。

    It wasn 't difficult then to cross the frontier .

  11. 这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。

    The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist .

  12. 他们乘着破旧的小船穿越风大浪急的海面,完成了这次危险之旅。

    They made the treacherous journey across stormy seas in rotten boats .

  13. 一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕。

    A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin .

  14. 我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。

    We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests .

  15. 示威者然后穿越首都游行,他们反复高喊口号要求进行自由选举。

    The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections

  16. 你需要一双实用的靴子穿越丛林。

    You 'll need no-nonsense boots for the jungle .

  17. 我们把轮胎放了气,以便穿越沙漠时更容易一些。

    We deflate the tyres to make it easier to cross the desert .

  18. 他们穿越了波浪滔天的大海,完成了这次危险之旅。

    They make the treacherous journey across stormy seas .

  19. 你可以徒步穿越鱼河峡谷。

    You could hike through the Fish River Canyon

  20. 那些人在沙尘暴中迷了路,不小心穿越了边境。

    The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake

  21. 绿色和平组织的旗舰正在穿越巴伦支海的北极寒冷地带。

    The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea .

  22. 他们飞车穿越美国西南部,警察紧追其后。

    They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels .

  23. 他们驱车600英里穿越沙漠。

    They drove 600 miles across the desert

  24. 她感到自己正在穿越时空。

    She felt herself transcending time and space

  25. 人们对着那些穿越他们城市的川流不息的车辆大呼小叫。

    People are screaming blue murder about the amount of traffic going through their town .

  26. 他们徒步穿越了茂密的森林。

    They walked through thick forest .

  27. 你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?

    How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition , through unknown terrain

  28. 他们穿越边界逃走了。

    They fled across the border .

  29. 他的部下已经接到命令,见到试图穿越该地区的人就开枪。

    His men had been ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to penetrate the area .

  30. 飞机穿越云层。

    The planes flew through the clouds