
  • 网络wear new clothes;wearing new clothes
  1. 通常孩子们在过春节要穿新衣服。

    As a rule , children wear new clothes during the spring festivals .

  2. 因为一过春节就能穿新衣服,吃好吃的。

    Because once we were celebrating the Spring Festival , we were able to wear new clothes , and eat delicious things .

  3. 优雅和穿新衣服并不是一回事。

    Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress .

  4. 最开心的要数孩子们了,他们可以拿红包和穿新衣服。

    Children are the happiest-they always get lucky money and new dresses .

  5. 总是穿新衣服很重要吗?

    Is it important to always have new clothes ?

  6. 萝贝嘉穿新衣服看起来很好看!

    Rebecca looks great in her new clothes !

  7. 她给他穿新衣服。

    She dresses him in his new clothes .

  8. 小时候看人家穿新衣服就眼馋得慌。

    I always envied other children for their new clothes when I was a little child .

  9. 令人奇怪的是没有任何提示我丈夫就确实说了我穿新衣服看上去非常漂亮。

    Amazingly without any prompting my husband actually said how nice I looked in my new dress !

  10. 在孩子们心里,总是把春节与穿新衣服和吃好东西联系起来。

    In the children minds , they associate with spring Festival with good clothes and good food .

  11. 小时候就是吃好吃的,放鞭炮,穿新衣服。

    In my childhood , we can enjoy delicious food , fire crackers and wear new dresses during Spring Festival .

  12. 除此之外,还要端正我们两个小孩明天元旦穿新衣服。

    Besides , she had to get ready the new outfits for us two children to wear on New Year 's Day .

  13. 因为过年可以穿新衣服还有好多好吃的。妈妈,我们今天晚上吃什么啊?

    Because I 'll have new clothes to wear and delicious food to eat . Mom , what shall we have for supper ?

  14. 这个人说:我的小妹妹卡罗尔说,她的同学当中,大多数人都很喜欢她的衣着打扮,每次她穿新衣服,她们都说好看。

    My baby sister Carol said that most of her classmates like her taste and compliment her every time she wears a new dress .

  15. 你穿上新衣服显得雍容华贵。

    You look very posh in your new suit .

  16. 我们要给小孩子穿上新衣服,带她到公园去。

    We are going to dress the baby in new clothes and take her to the park .

  17. 谢谢,我买了几身上班穿的新衣服。

    Oh , thanks . Got a couple new outfits for work .

  18. 你穿上新衣服显得很潇洒。

    You look very smart in your new suit .

  19. 小休穿上新衣服很是漂亮的。

    Little Sue was as pretty as a picture in her new dress .

  20. 我跑这么多的路到这里来就是想看看穿上新衣服的他呀。

    I came all this way to see him in his new clothes .

  21. 准确地说,我总是可以穿上新衣服。

    Technically , I always have " new " clothes to put on .

  22. 我还给你带了几件去洛杉矶穿的新衣服

    I even bought you a couple of new outfits for Los Angeles .

  23. 大部分庆祝节日的市民会穿上新衣服、修剪头发并清偿债务。

    Most festivalgoers wear new clothes , cut their hair and clear all their debts .

  24. 跳舞只是个为了穿上新衣服去参加疯狂的聚会的蹩脚的借口罢了。

    The dance is just a lame excuse for a new dress and a limo party .

  25. 孩子们组成乐队,穿上新衣服,拿着口琴和手风琴,列队在街上吹奏。

    Band composed of children wearing new clothes , with harmonica and accordion , playing in the street parade .

  26. “我可怜的小家伙?我跑这么多的路到这里来就是想看看穿上新衣服的他呀。”[qh]

    My poor fellow ? I came all this way to see him in his new clothes . ' [ qh ]

  27. 在新年的第一天,每人都穿上新衣服,走亲访友并且鞠躬祝福,为的是新年能有好运气。

    On the first day of the new year , everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations wishing each other the best during the new year .

  28. 你好,你穿这件新衣服真漂亮,看起来很迷人。

    Hello , you are looking very charming in the new dress .

  29. 你穿那套新衣服看起来很帅。

    You really look sharp in that new outfit .

  30. 我想穿我的新衣服。

    I want to wear my brand-new suit .