
chuān dòng
  • Perforation;Durchgangshohle
穿洞[chuān dòng]
  1. 嗯,LISA是你的那个在肚脐上穿洞的朋友吗?

    Is Lisa your friend with the pierced navel ?

  2. 他给我几张纸在上面穿洞。

    He gave me some sheets of paper to prick holes .

  3. 你在人们身上看见过几种穿洞方式呢?

    Which kinds of body piercing have you seen on people ?

  4. 穿洞的耳朵,鼻子,肚脐,眉毛。

    Pierced ears , nose , navel , eye brows .

  5. 即使如果你在舌头上穿洞,还玩乐队。

    Even if you pierce your tongue and play in a band .

  6. 一些人体穿洞的艺术家坚持认为只要操作规范,手术是没有危险的。

    Some body piercing artists insist the procedure is safe when performed correctly .

  7. 一种穿洞或者打孔的行为。

    The act of puncturing or perforating .

  8. 身体穿洞是指为了佩戴珠饰而在人体上穿洞。

    Body piercing refers to the piercing of the human body for the purpose of wearing jewellery .

  9. 这些骨头有锯子的痕迹,另外,部分头盖骨被穿洞,还有部分的骨头被挖去。

    They bore the marks of saws and some of the skulls had drill holes and portions of the bone cut out .

  10. 为探究潜热是否为“穿洞云”成因,研究人员对云层模型分别就有无潜热效应两种情况进行了模拟。

    To see if latent heat does lead to hole-punch clouds , the researchers ran cloud-model simulations with and without the effect .

  11. 现在你们中间一些人可能是穿洞迷,我也不希望大家忍受我难得的清醒时刻。

    Now some of you may be piercing aficionados , and I do not expect everyone to abide by my rare moments of lucidity .

  12. 在身体上穿洞有时是出于宗教或信仰的原因,不过目前在西方,这么做主要是为了美观。

    Body piercing is sometimes practiced for religious or spiritual reasons but these days , in the West , it is mostly carried out for ornamental purposes .

  13. 大约两年前,我在巴厘岛参加瑜伽训练营时遇上琳达(留着细发辫,在身上穿洞)。

    I met Linda ( and her dreadlocks , and her piercings ) in Bali almost two years ago , when I went for that Yoga retreat .

  14. 尽管身上有穿洞(如耳洞、唇环等)的人睡在这张浮床上没有问题,但鲁基森纳斯建议他们还是避免身处在床和地面的磁场之中。

    Although people with piercings should have no problem sleeping on the bed , the architect advises them against entering the magnetic field between the bed and the floor .

  15. 有的人认为没有影响,因为穿洞是经过红外线探测的,不会打断承重梁里面的钢精的,这种说法有科学依据吗?

    Some people think to do not have an influence , because bilge is explored through infrared ray , won 't interrupt bearing of the aluminium inside bridge , does this kind of view have scientific basis ?

  16. 当然,这些都是好点子。不过,如果你碰巧在明显的部位有穿洞、纹身,或像查尔斯o默里所说的,有着“非自然色的头发,”那应该怎么办呢?

    That 's all fine , of course , but what if you happen to be rocking a conspicuous piercing , a tattoo , or " hair of a color not found in nature , " as Charles Murray puts it ?

  17. 台湾2005年曾规定,帮未满18岁青少年纹身或穿洞将触民法,家长可要求业者赔偿并负责激光祛除纹身的费用。

    In 2005 , Taiwan implemented a law that any people or agencies caught helping teens get tattoos or body piercings , would be in violation of civil law . Parents could even require compensation from those so-called helping hands and hold them accountable for the laser-removal fees .