
  • 网络deterministic effect;Certainty effect
  1. 确定性效应是辐射事故中主要关心的健康危害。

    Deterministic effect is principal health hazard of interest after radiation accident exposure .

  2. 从确定性效应和随机效应两个方面进行论述,着重于剂量与效应的关系。

    The review was carried out in both stochastic and deterministic effects , and focused on the dose-effect relationship .

  3. 辐射产生的有害健康效应分为两种类型①组织反应(也称确定性效应);

    The adverse health effects of radiation exposure may be grouped in two categories : ① tissue reactions ( also called deterministic effects );

  4. 该事故将引起厂外群体受到较大剂量的放射性照射,但辐照剂量不足以引发早期确定性健康效应。

    Doses of inhabitants are biggish , but the doses are not very large and few off-site early health effects would occur .

  5. 然而随着更多的企业加入供应链,出现了许多诸如需求的不确定性、bullwhip效应以及信息共享障碍等问题,反而导致了更高的运营成本和更慢的响应速度。

    With many companies entering into the SC , many problems such as demand uncertainty , bullwhip effect , information obstacles etc. have resulted into higher operational costs and slower response .

  6. 第二身份是指人的文明身份。第二身份具有直观性、不确定性、光环效应和易感性等特征。

    The second identity has the feature of being perceptive , uncertain and luminous and easy to feel .

  7. 由于技术进步对劳动供给具有确定性的增加效应,所以,技术进步对就业水平的作用决定于其对劳动需求的不确定性影响。

    Because the influence of technology progress on the labor supply is ascertain , the employment level is decided by labor demand .

  8. 研究结果表明,低收入群体消费支出的收入效应最小且受收入不确定性产生的负面效应最为明显。

    The results show that for low-income groups , the effect of income uncertainty is most obvious .

  9. 刑罚确定性的边际递减效应决定了有罪必罚的传统刑事司法的非经济性。

    The marginal reduction effect of criminal punishment determines the non-economy of the traditional criminal judicial in which any crime must be punished .

  10. 供应链协同服务的价值在于信息共享,通过信息共享可以减少供应链的不确定性、弱化牛鞭效应、协调供应链中的目标冲突。

    The value of Supply Chain Collaborative Service was the share of information , by which the uncertainty of Supply Chain would be decreased , the Bullwhip Effect would be weakened , and the target confliction of Supply Chain would be coordinated .

  11. 通过构建金融支持过度背景下房地产泡沫形成与运行的市场不确定性模型、反馈效应与投机行为模型、信念模型,来分析房地产市场泡沫形成的机制。

    By constructing the context of financial support over the formation and operation of the real estate bubble in the belief model , market uncertainty model , feedback effects and speculative behavior model to analyze in the context of the formation mechanism of the real estate bubble .