
bái suǐ
  • white pulp
白髓[bái suǐ]
  1. HBVdna颗粒在死胎脾脏白髓、边缘区、红髓中的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浆、脾血窦、脾脏血管中呈点、灶状分布,脾脏淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞核不着色。

    HBV DNA were mainly in the plasma of the lymphocyte and the macrophagocyte in the white pulp ? marginal zone ? red pulp and the spleen vessels .

  2. 大鼠脾白髓交错突细胞和巨噬细胞的形态计量分析

    Morphological quantitative analysis of interdigitating cells and macrophages in rat splenic white pulp

  3. 13-16周胎脾中IDC开始定位于白髓的T细胞集落内和周缘,及B细胞集落的周边。

    After 13-16 weeks . IDCs began to gather in and around T cell colony in white pulp .

  4. 此外,抗B细胞及其亚群单抗与扁桃腺、淋巴结、脾白髓生发中心呈强阳性反应。

    In addition McAbs of B cells and it 's subsets were reacted very strong with the germinal center of tonsil and lymph nodes and spleen white pulp .

  5. 脾脏的NK细胞主要见于脾小结的中心或白髓外周的边缘区,但动脉周围淋巴鞘为阴性。

    In the spleen , the NK cells mainly located in the germinal center of splenic nodules and in the periphery of white pulp .

  6. 脾脏也可观察到淋巴细胞数量的减少,白髓萎缩,出血坏死,表达CD4的阳性细胞减少。

    The seminal changes such as decreased lymphocytes , white pulp atrophy , hemorrhage and necrosis , and decreased expression of lymphocytes for CD4 antigen could also observe in spleen .

  7. 感染后第6d,白髓面积轻微增加,红髓面积相对少量减少。

    In the 6th day after infection , there was slight increase of white pulp and small reduction in the red pulp .

  8. 脾脏:rhIL-11治疗后3d和5d,白髓区淋巴组织即出现增生,小动脉周围淋巴细胞数量增多。

    Spleen : white pulp lymphoid tissue appears regeneration area , the increasing number of small arteries around the lymphocytes at 3d and 5d after rhIL-11 treatment . Conclusion : 1 .

  9. NGF主要分布于白髓动脉周围淋巴鞘(PALS)外层、边缘区(MZ)和红髓(RP)的巨噬细胞样和淋巴细胞样细胞;

    NGF was mainly distributed in macrophages like and lymphocytes like cells in the outer layer of periarterial lymphocyte sheath ( PALS ) of white pulp , marginal zone ( MZ ) and red pulp ( RP ) .

  10. 结果表明:MOF早期大鼠细胞凋亡异常增多且以免疫器官细胞凋亡为主,电镜所见之凋亡细胞及凋亡小体与TUNEL标记阳性细胞主要分布于胸腺皮质、脾白髓和淋巴结副皮质区。

    The results showed TUNEL positive cells were much more than that in control group rats , and they were distributed mainly in the cortex of thymus , the white pulp of spleen and the paracortical zone of lymph nodes .

  11. 感染后第8d至10d,白髓面积明显增加,且白髓内淋巴细胞明显增多,红髓面积相对明显减少。在感染组小鼠脾脏中还观察到坏死现象。

    In the 8-10 days after infection , the white pulp area was significantly increased , and in a large number of lymphocytes proliferated in white pulp , red pulp area was significantly reduced .

  12. 结果:烫伤后6、12h,在胸腺、脾、肠系膜淋巴结出现明显的细胞凋亡,并见其呈散在分布于胸腺的皮质、脾的白髓及肠系膜淋巴结的皮质淋巴小结之间。

    Results At 6 , 12 hours after thermal injury , It was detected that the number of lymphocyte apoptosis was increased significantly in thymus , spleen and mesentery lymph nodes . The apoptotic lymphocytes mainly disseminated at T cell residing area .

  13. E16脾实质内中央动脉分支明显,白髓和红髓相互交错。

    The central arteries within the parenchyma branch obviously at E 16 , the white pulp and the red pulp interlace each other .

  14. 鳖脾脏实质由白髓和红髓组成,缺乏边缘区。白髓包括PALS和PELS,未观察到淋巴小结的出现。

    The parenchyma of spleen included red pulp and white pulp , but lacking a marginal zone . In turtles the white pulp of the spleen was composed of two compartments , the PALS and the PELS .

  15. 实验结果表明:1.注射APH后,随着脾小体缩小和淋巴细胞的减少,脾脏白髓和红髓的琥珀酸脱氢酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶活性逐渐降低,第9天最低,第13天有所恢复。

    The data indicate that : 1 . After the injection , the intensity of histochemical reactions for succinic dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in the spleen decreased gradually and reached the minimum on the 9 th day .

  16. 中华鳖脾脏白髓的组织结构与组织化学特性

    Structure and Histochemical Characters of Spleen White Pulp in Trionyx sinensis

  17. 4月龄出现典型的白髓结构。

    There shown typical white pulp at 4 months old .

  18. 脾脏白髓内淋巴细胞崩解、消失,法氏囊滤泡内淋巴细胞明显减少。

    The lymphocytes of white pulps of spleen broke apart and disappeared .

  19. 白髓中未见明显的脾小结、淋巴鞘结构,红髓由脾索和脾窦构成。

    The red pulp is composed of splenic cord and splenic sinus .

  20. 实验性特急性型猪丹毒脾脏白髓周围红晕病理形态学研究

    Pathomorphological study on blush around splenic white pulp of experimental peracute swine erysipelas

  21. 鞘动脉非常发达,红髓白髓结构典型。

    Well-developed sheathed arteries , typical structures of red pulp and white pulp are found .

  22. 脾脏内的肥大细胞主要分布于白髓的脾小体周围;

    In spleen , mast cells mainly lie in circumambience of splenic corpuscle in white pulp ;

  23. 乌鸡脾脏边缘区和红髓呈浅粉红色,白髓呈蓝紫色。

    The silkie spleen marginal zone and red pulp are pale pink , white pulp is violet .

  24. 脾白髓中HLA-DR+抗原呈递细胞明显减少。

    HLA-DR ~ + antigen presenting cells ( APC ) reduced remarkably in the SARS spleen white pulp .

  25. 脾脏可见脾小体破坏、消失,脾窦扩张充血,红髓增宽白髓萎缩等。

    Splenic corpuscles demolished and disappeared , red pulp widened and white pulp atrophied , splenic sinusoid extended with hyperemia .

  26. 红髓淤血,白髓缩小并有红细胞存在,两者分界不清;

    The red pulp is enlarged and filled with blood , while white pulp decrease and there are red blood cells in it .

  27. 结果发现T淋巴细胞亚群中CD4/CD8倒置,胸腺退化消失,脾脏和淋巴结萎缩,脾脏的白髓和淋巴结的浅层皮质中存在少量的淋巴小结,但没有形成明显的生发中心。

    The CD4 / CD8 showed converted and the thymus disappeared . There was no germinal center in the spleen and lymph nodes .

  28. 脾脏白髓的脾小体和中央动脉淋巴套增生,淋巴细胞增多,红髓的脾窦和髓索轻度充血;

    The small ball of white marrow of spleen and the surface of lymph of the central artery proliferated and red marrow spleen hole and marrow cable bleeded .

  29. 结果肿瘤累及脾白髓边缘区,瘤细胞中等大小,胞质透明,胞核稍不规则。

    Results The tumor involved marginal zone of splenic white pulp , tumor cell is medium size , cytoplasm is trans-parent , and cell nucleus is a little irregular .

  30. 27头发病,死亡15头,1~4天死亡9头;8头脾切面白髓周围出现红晕,出现率88.8%;

    Twenty-seven of 34 were sick and 15 died , 9 died 1 ~ 4 days after infection , of which the blush around splenic white pulp appeared in 8 pigs ( 88.8 % ) .