
xiōnɡ xiàn yī lài qū
  • thymus-dependent area;thymus-dependent region
  1. 脾脏胸腺依赖区和法氏囊依赖区细胞增加,高剂量(0.06mg/kg体重)Tα1则引起法氏囊髓质细胞变性和坏死。

    Thymosin α 1 also increased the number of cells within dependent zones of thymus and bursa . But high dose of ( 0.06 mg / kg ) thymosin α 1 could induce degeneration or necrosis of cells in the bursa of fabricius medulla .

  2. 成熟的肥大细胞由胸腺髓质经血循到达次级淋巴器官的胸腺依赖区留居;

    ( 2 ) Mast cells are transported from the medulla of thymus to the thymus dependent area of secondary lymphatic organs through the blood courses .

  3. 主要为胸腺萎缩,脾和淋巴结(肠系膜)的胸腺依赖区萎缩及其中淋巴细胞减少;

    Decrease of lymphocytes in these areas , decrease or disappearance of lymphocytes in marginal zone of the spleen , and atrophy of follicles in the spleen and lymph node .

  4. 从各种T细胞工群的染色强度和形状看,胸腺髓质部的胸腺细胞相当于周围淋巴器官内的胸腺依赖区。

    Judging from the staining pattern of T cell subset , the medullary thymocytes were in accordance with T & dependent area in peripheral lymphoid organs .

  5. 本文报道抗小鼠胸腺细胞血清(ATS)有降低周围血白细胞和淋巴细胞数,并能选择性排空脾脏、淋巴结等淋巴组织胸腺依赖区淋巴细胞的作用。

    In the present paper we described the preparation of rabbit anti-mouse thymocyte serum ( ATS ) . ATS has the effect of reducing peripheral lymphocytes and selectively depleting the lymphocytes from thymus-dependent areas of spleen and lymph nodes .