- differential blood count

White blood cell ( WBC ) differential count at 3 days preoperation , 3 days postoperation , and 1 week and 2 weeks postoperation .
Finally , it was performed to count the eosinophil in BALF , to detect level of serum OVA specific-IgE .
Results : There was no significant difference in RBC , WBC , BPC , and Hb among HLC mice , hairless mice , and Kunming mice ( P > 0.05 ) . The white blood cell different count in 3 stocks of mice were similar .
Monocytes represented less than 1 % in DLC .
Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of leucocyte differential count to infantile diarrhea disease .
The count and recognition of white blood cells plays an important role in modern clinical practice .
A contrast study of different automatic hematology analyzers under different modes of determination in white blood cell classification of rat
The lymphocytes constituted 17.5 % in DLC and had the highest nuclear : cytoplasmic ratio of all the leucocytes observed .
However , no significant changes of total cell counts and differential leucocyte counts in induced sputum were shown after treatment .
Classification and counting of leukocyte types , by dint of the advanced computer technology for image processing and analysis , is of great importance due to its crucial role in study of assistant diagnosis of blood diseases .
In the leucocytes differentiation count , the percentage of lymphocytes was higher than that of the control group ( P < 0.001 ), the percentage of neutrophils and middle cells were lower than that of the control group ( P < 0.05 and P < 0.001 ) .
Objective To investigate the effect of different light-dark cycles on total and differential counts of leukocyte as well as spontaneous locomotor activity in mice .
Total and differential cell counts in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid ( BALF ) were measured .
The classification and counting of leukocytes by using VSC-Technology
Their activities were recorded continuously . Result The change of spontaneous locomotor activity and leukocyte count were synchronized with the light-dark cycle .
The peripheral total white blood cell count , differential count , and coagulation profile were all normal .
The Changes in the number and morphology of the peripheral blood leucocytes in 15-65 day-age newborn rabbits were observed dynamically .
The results indicated that no effect was observed in leucocyte counts and classified counting of leucocyte , but the lymphocyte proliferation during periparturient period was increased ( P < 0.01 ) .
Peripheral white blood cell ( WBC ) counts and differential WBC ( eosinophil , neutrophil , basophil , lymphocyte and monocyte ) counts in sheep and buffaloes experimentally infected with Fasciola gigantica were studied .
Result The counts of peripheral blood leukocytes and platelets in exposed groups were all lower than that of control group , but the lymphocyte ratio was increased .
Objective To observe the change rule ( reaction ) of blood interleukin-8 ( IL-8 ) in children with upper respiratory infection , further to explore its relationship with differential leukocyte count .