
hónɡ suǐ
  • red pulp
  1. 后期红髓形态恢复正常,脾小结淋巴细胞较早期减少。

    Red pulp morphology returned to normal at late , splenic lymphocytes to reduce the earlier .

  2. 脾红髓中CD68+巨噬细胞数量较正常平均减少39.48%,体积是正常平均值的2.21倍。

    The number of CD68 ~ + macrophages in the red pulp was reduced by 39.48 % in SARS spleens , and the average size of individual macrophages was increased by 2.21 times .

  3. 脾脏红髓也是T、B细胞的混合区,这些细胞的分布无一定规律。

    The red pulp is composed of a mixture of T and B ceils , but the T and B cells are distributed randomly .

  4. HBVdna颗粒在死胎脾脏白髓、边缘区、红髓中的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浆、脾血窦、脾脏血管中呈点、灶状分布,脾脏淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞核不着色。

    HBV DNA were mainly in the plasma of the lymphocyte and the macrophagocyte in the white pulp ? marginal zone ? red pulp and the spleen vessels .

  5. 感染后第6d,白髓面积轻微增加,红髓面积相对少量减少。

    In the 6th day after infection , there was slight increase of white pulp and small reduction in the red pulp .

  6. NGF主要分布于白髓动脉周围淋巴鞘(PALS)外层、边缘区(MZ)和红髓(RP)的巨噬细胞样和淋巴细胞样细胞;

    NGF was mainly distributed in macrophages like and lymphocytes like cells in the outer layer of periarterial lymphocyte sheath ( PALS ) of white pulp , marginal zone ( MZ ) and red pulp ( RP ) .

  7. 结果IP-10和MIP-3α主要在动脉周围淋巴鞘、边缘区、红髓的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞表达。

    Results The expression of IP-10 and MIP-3 α in spleen was mainly in lymphocytes and macrophages in periarterial lymphatic sheaths , marginal zone and red pulp .

  8. PHT脾脏脾小体、红髓及边缘区(MZ)3个部位单位面积的CD68+数量较正常减少,以脾小体和红髓明显。

    Compared with the normal controls , the numbers of CD_ ( 68 ) ~ + in splenic lymphocyte nodules , red pulp and marginal zone ( MZ ) decreased in patients with PHT .

  9. 感染后第8d至10d,白髓面积明显增加,且白髓内淋巴细胞明显增多,红髓面积相对明显减少。在感染组小鼠脾脏中还观察到坏死现象。

    In the 8-10 days after infection , the white pulp area was significantly increased , and in a large number of lymphocytes proliferated in white pulp , red pulp area was significantly reduced .

  10. E16脾实质内中央动脉分支明显,白髓和红髓相互交错。

    The central arteries within the parenchyma branch obviously at E 16 , the white pulp and the red pulp interlace each other .

  11. 鳖脾脏实质由白髓和红髓组成,缺乏边缘区。白髓包括PALS和PELS,未观察到淋巴小结的出现。

    The parenchyma of spleen included red pulp and white pulp , but lacking a marginal zone . In turtles the white pulp of the spleen was composed of two compartments , the PALS and the PELS .

  12. 实验结果表明:1.注射APH后,随着脾小体缩小和淋巴细胞的减少,脾脏白髓和红髓的琥珀酸脱氢酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶活性逐渐降低,第9天最低,第13天有所恢复。

    The data indicate that : 1 . After the injection , the intensity of histochemical reactions for succinic dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in the spleen decreased gradually and reached the minimum on the 9 th day .

  13. 照后中期:脾脏红髓纤维化;

    In middle stage , fibrosis of red pulp was found .

  14. 周围是红髓构成许多脾血窦。

    Around this is the red pulp comprised of many splenic sinusoids .

  15. 白髓中未见明显的脾小结、淋巴鞘结构,红髓由脾索和脾窦构成。

    The red pulp is composed of splenic cord and splenic sinus .

  16. 脾红髓广泛出血坏死。

    Red pulp hemorrhage necrosis was widely spread .

  17. 鞘动脉非常发达,红髓白髓结构典型。

    Well-developed sheathed arteries , typical structures of red pulp and white pulp are found .

  18. 乌鸡脾脏边缘区和红髓呈浅粉红色,白髓呈蓝紫色。

    The silkie spleen marginal zone and red pulp are pale pink , white pulp is violet .

  19. 红髓发达,脾窦宽大。

    Red pulps are flourishing .

  20. 脾脏可见脾小体破坏、消失,脾窦扩张充血,红髓增宽白髓萎缩等。

    Splenic corpuscles demolished and disappeared , red pulp widened and white pulp atrophied , splenic sinusoid extended with hyperemia .

  21. 贮存的单核细胞在包膜下红髓带聚集成束,和巨噬细胞、树突状细胞截然不同。

    The reservoir monocytes assemble in clusters in the cords of the subcapsular red pulp and are distinct from macrophages and DCs .

  22. 红髓淤血,白髓缩小并有红细胞存在,两者分界不清;

    The red pulp is enlarged and filled with blood , while white pulp decrease and there are red blood cells in it .

  23. 脾脏白髓的脾小体和中央动脉淋巴套增生,淋巴细胞增多,红髓的脾窦和髓索轻度充血;

    The small ball of white marrow of spleen and the surface of lymph of the central artery proliferated and red marrow spleen hole and marrow cable bleeded .

  24. 红髓是充满血液的腔管网,有滤过作用,是清除恶化的红血球和进行血红蛋白循环的主要场所。

    The red pulp is a network of channels filled with blood where most of the filtration occurs and is the major site of destruction of deteriorating erythrocytes and recycling of their hemoglobin .

  25. 在感染组小鼠脾脏中,白髓面积增加,红髓面积相对减少,且白髓增加与红髓减少的改变随时间呈现一定的规律。

    Spleen in the infected group showed change of lymphocytes number . White pulp decreased and red pulp area increased , and the reduction of white pulp and increasement of red pulp showed some regulation with time .

  26. 与老年对照组相比较,药物组脾脏的白髓和红髓分界欠清晰,白髓略微增多,中性粒细胞数量增多,淋巴细胞排列比较疏松。

    Compared with the aged control group , treatment group spleen white pulp and red pulp of the boundaries less clear , a slight increase in white pulp , increase in the number of neutrophils , lymphocytes arranged loosely .

  27. 病理表现为肿瘤性T细胞在肝脏血窦和脾脏红髓的弥漫性浸润,不形成结节,易造成误诊。

    The pathological findings of a liver biopsy specimen revealed the diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes in the sinusoids and the aspiration biopsy from spleen revealed the diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes in the red pulp , not shaped to the nodes , often resulted in the misdiagnosis .

  28. 结果第4天,脾红髓与淋巴结髓质淋巴组织较疏松,淋巴结髓窦中内皮细胞大部分消失,骨髓内大量造血细胞与基质细胞坏死;

    Results On the fourth day , red pulp of spleen and lymphoid tissue of medulla of lymph node were looser , most of endothelial cells in medullary sinus of lymph node disappeared , and A lot of necrotic hematopoietica cells and stromal cells in bone narrow were found .

  29. POK红系髓性致癌因子在胰腺癌组织的表达及其意义

    The Expression and Significance of Pokemon in the Pancreatic Cancer Tissue of Human

  30. 刚果红染色显示甲状腺髓样癌的淀粉样基质。

    Here the amyloid stroma of the medullary thyroid carcinoma has been stained with Congo red .