
  • electronic engineering
  1. EEsystem电子工程系统操作指南

    EE system-guide of electronic engineering system operation

  2. 面向电子工程CAD的布局系统

    Design of the Placement System-Oriented to Electronic Engineering CAD

  3. 面向电子工程CAD的图形符号库设计

    Design of Graphic Symbol Base for Electronic Engineering-Oriented CAD

  4. 开辟了电子工程设计新时代的EDA技术

    EDA of a new Era of electronics engineering design

  5. 他拥有GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology的电子工程学士和硕士学位。

    He holds a Masters of Science degree in electrical engineering and a Bachelors Degree in the same from the Georgia Institute of Technology .

  6. 自从1995年毕业于拉合尔工程技术大学(UniversityofEngineeringandTechnology,Lahore)电子工程专业以后,他就开始为工业控制系统设计各种软件解决方案。

    After graduating in Electronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore , in1995 , he began designing software solutions for industrial control systems .

  7. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)在电子工程中的应用

    CFRP Application in Electronic Engineering

  8. 基于Globus网格平台的电子工程预算软件作业调度实现

    Globus-based Grid Platform Electronic Engineering Budget Job Scheduling Software Implementation

  9. GMM在机械电子工程中的应用研究现状

    The Present Situation of Research on the Application of Giant Magnetostrictive Material in Mechano-electronic Engineering

  10. 电子工程中实施FMEA的作用和技术途径

    Role and implementation of FMEA in electronic engineering

  11. 汤姆林森出生于纽约州,先在伦斯勒理工学院|RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute)攻读电子工程专业,接着在麻省理工学院(MIT)获得了硕士学位。

    Born in New York State , Tomlinson studied electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic and then earned his masters at Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  12. 江先生在美国加州州立大学获得电子工程学士学位,在南加州大学获得MBA学位。

    He received a BSCC in Electrical Engineering from the California State University , Los Angeles , and an MBA from the University of Southern California .

  13. Nees是超快光科学(UltrafastOpticalScience)中心的副研究科学家与电子工程与计算机科学系助理副教授;

    Nees is an associate research scientist at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science and an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science .

  14. 所设计的MBI通信软件完成传输层的功能,使接口卡具有智能性,减少了子系统主机的干预,符合航空电子工程要求。

    MBI software realizes function of transport layer , reduces the intervention of subsystem and meets avionics specifications .

  15. 正规大学机械,电子工程或相关专业本科毕业,机械专业者优先。大学本科或同等学力,车辆工程、理专业,MBA优先。

    Bachelor degree in mechanical and / or electrical designing or related majors from accredited university . Bachelor degree in mechanics preferred . University degree or similar professional qualification in vehicle engineering or management , MBA as a plus .

  16. 德赛本人拥有麻省理工(MIT)的电子工程学位,这对他的早期职业生涯颇有助益,所以很难想象会是这样一个人来领导这场招聘革命。

    Desai , at first , seems like an unlikely leader for this Crusade , given that he has a degree in electrical engineering from MIT , which he admits gave him a big boost early in his career .

  17. 有趣的是,尽管全书是在讲LEGO机器人的各种部件,但大部分的小节实际上都是电子工程、机械工程,或计算机科学领域中的简短课程。

    It was interesting to see that most sections , although kept in the context of LEGO parts , are actually short lessons in electrical engineering , mechanical engineering , or computer science .

  18. DialightLumidrives公司总经理曾在曼彻斯特大学科技学院学习电气和电子工程,1996年毕业。

    Dialight Lumidrives'managing director Gordon Routledge studied electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology ( UMIST ), graduating in1996 .

  19. 纳德拉生于印度IT业中心海得拉巴(Hyderabad),赴美前获得了门格洛尔大学(MangaloreUniversity)电子工程学位。来美后,他继续深造,取得计算机科学硕士和MBA学位。

    Born in Hyderabad , a centre of the Indian IT industry , Mr Nadella took a degree in electrical engineering at Mangalore University before moving to the US , where he went on to complete a masters in computer science and an MBA .

  20. Duffing方程是描述共振现象、调和振动、次调和振动、拟周期振动、概周期振动、奇异吸引子和混沌现象(或随机过程)的简单数学模型,在机械和电子工程技术中有许多重要的应用。

    Duffing equation is one of the commonest examples to describe the resonance , harmonic vibration , subharmonic vibration , quasi-periodic vibration , almost periodic vibration , singular attractors and chaos phenomena , etc. And it has abroad applications in mechanics and electronic technologies .

  21. 电子工程教学中几个问题的思考

    A Tentative Study on Some Problems in Teaching of Electronic Engineering

  22. 第三类:面向电子工程硬件实现。

    The third category may face to micro electronic hardware design .

  23. 当然,我将在美国学习电子工程。

    Of course , I will study electronics engineering in the USA.

  24. 你的专业是什么?我主修电子工程。

    What 's your major ? I major in Electronic Engineering .

  25. 创新素质的培养与电子工程设计

    The Training of Students ' Innovation Ability in Electronic Engineering Design

  26. 彼得主修电子工程,不是机械工程。

    Peter 's scholastic discipline is electrical engineering , not mechanical .

  27. 几乎人人都是工程师或者电子工程从业者。

    just about everybody was an engineer or worked in electronics .

  28. 一种韧性最优滤波方法及其在电子工程中的应用

    A Robust Optimal Filtering Method and Its Application in Electronic Engineering

  29. 乔布斯负责电子工程和市场营销;

    Jobs shall assume general responsibility for Electrical Engineering and Marketing ,

  30. 当我电子工程方面取得学士与博士学位,

    As I got my Bachelor 's and PhD in electrical engineering ,