
diàn yā
  • voltage;potential;electric potential;electric voltage;tension;electric tension
电压 [diàn yā]
  • [voltage;electric potential;tension] 以伏特为单位的电位或电位差

电压[diàn yā]
  1. 一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。

    An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator .

  2. 电流滞后于电压。

    The current lags behind the voltage .

  3. 这些系统变得更小,使用的电压也更低。

    The systems are getting smaller and using lower voltages .

  4. 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。

    The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent .

  5. 在上面的例子中,电压源是非理想的,所以没有发现什么困难。

    In the foregoing example , the voltage source is nonideal and hence presents no difficulty .

  6. 充电时,蓄电池的反电压或过电压太高,以致限制了低温充电性能。

    On charge , the counter-voltage or overvoltage of the battery could be so high as to restrict the charging characteristics at low temperatures .

  7. 通过对试验槽降低电压的过程进行分析总结,为同类型槽降低工作电压提供了一定的借鉴。

    It has provided reference to the reduction of working voltage for cells of the same type through analysis and summarizing on the process of testing cell 's voltage reduction .

  8. 该喷枪能够提高电弧电压并减小电弧电压波动

    The torch can bring higher arc voltage with lower fluctuation by elongating the arc .

  9. 我国普通供电电压为220/380伏。

    The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220 / 380 volt .

  10. 高压大功率全桥零电压开关PWM变换器研究

    High voltage , high power , full-bridge zero voltage switching PWM converter

  11. 新型电压-电压PWM控制DC/DC变换器的研究

    Research on a Novel DC / DC Converter Using Double-voltage Controlled PWM

  12. 电压空间矢量PWM快速算法的实现

    A New Realizing Method of Voltage Space Vector PWM

  13. C波段高频率稳定度宽带FET电压控制振荡器

    C Band High Frequency-Stability Broad Band FET Voltage-Controlled Oscillators

  14. 低电压,双向RF和视频切换。

    Low-voltage , bidirectional RF and video switch .

  15. 零电压转换PWMDC/DC变换器的研究

    Research on Zero-voltage-transition PWM DC / DC Converters

  16. PT二次电压回路薄弱环节及改进措施

    PT secondary voltage loop weakness tache and improvement measure

  17. 方法:改变CONE电压。

    Method : Change the cone voltage .

  18. 用A、B、C三种添加剂将聚乙烯改性,树枝起始电压竟提高2至4倍之多。

    The initial voltage is raised by as much as 2-4 times , when polyethylene is modified by three different kinds of additives A. B. C.

  19. 穿通型pn结二极管的击穿电压

    The breakdown voltage of punch through P n junction

  20. 单片CMOS直流电压转换器

    Monolithic CMOS direct current voltage converter

  21. 电压矢量PWM控制

    Voltage Vector PWM Control

  22. 通过在高频变压器的次级增加一个谐振电感并配合开关管PWM控制,实现了主开关元件零电压开通。

    ZVS is realized by adding a proper leakage inductance to secondary of the high frequency isolation transformer .

  23. 低电压低功耗CMOS采样保持电路

    Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Sample-and-Hold Circuit

  24. SPWM逆变供电下感应电机电压谐波分析及仿真

    Voltage harmonic analysis and simulation of induction motor fed by SPWM inverter

  25. 迅雷IGBT代高电压功率IGBT。

    Thunderbolt IGBT generation high voltage power IGBTs .

  26. 并联电抗器中性点和中性点小电抗XN的绝缘水平主要决定于出现在XN上的最大的工频电压VN。

    The insulation level of neutral of shunt reactor and of its neutral reactor X_a is determined mainly by the power frequency voltage arised on this reactance .

  27. 电压型双二次滤波函数的CFA实现

    Realization of a Voltage-Mode Biquadratic Filtering Function Based on CFA

  28. 通过测量其电流电压JV和电容电压CV特性,研究了其光伏效应及电学性能。

    The electrical and photovoltaic properties of the heterojunction were investigated by measuring current voltage ( J V ) and capacitance voltage ( C-V ) characteristics .

  29. 用DRB,读取HVAC控制头电压。

    With the drb , read HVAC control head voltage .

  30. 基于PMU和改进戴维南等值模型的电压稳定在线监视

    On-line Voltage Stability Monitoring Based on PMU and Improved Thevenin Equivalent Model