
diàn liú
  • current;galvanic current;electric current;electricity;juice
电流 [diàn liú]
  • [electric current;juice] 带正电的或带负电的粒子(如电子)的运动,并伴有产生热、磁场或化学变化这样一些可观察的效应

电流[diàn liú]
  1. 电流流入了驱动车轮的电动机。

    The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels .

  2. 二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。

    The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube

  3. 电流浪涌损坏了计算机的磁盘驱动器。

    An electrical surge damaged the computer 's disk drive .

  4. 以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。

    Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current .

  5. 一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。

    An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator .

  6. 给一块石墨通入强电流。

    A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite .

  7. 电鳐能放出强大的电流把猎物击晕。

    Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges

  8. 电流发出了信号。

    The flow of current actuates the signal .

  9. 那个开关通过在末梢和表面之间传输电流脉冲工作。

    The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface .

  10. 他的车猛地撞到灯柱上,扯断了带电的电线,数千伏高压电流骤然通过车身。

    Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post , ripping out live wires

  11. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。

    A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat .

  12. 总之,感应电动势滞后于电流。

    In a word , the induced e. m. f. lags behind the current .

  13. 电流一接通,机器就立刻开始运转。

    The machine will start running as soon as the electric current is turned on .

  14. 电流滞后于电压。

    The current lags behind the voltage .

  15. 这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起,总电流达到500安培。

    The current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes .

  16. 有些密度大的物质容易让电流通过。

    Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely .

  17. 这个开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。

    The switch closes the contacts and complete the circuit .

  18. 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。

    The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent .

  19. 你必须先把电池连接起来,才会产生电流。

    You won 't get any current until you connect up the cells .

  20. 平均暗电流常利用调零电路消除。

    The average dark current is often eliminated by means of a zeroing circuit .

  21. 没有电流通过电流计。

    Here is no current through the galvanometer .

  22. 这个电钮接通电流。

    This button switches the current on .

  23. 因此,它只用于校准更实用的测量电流的仪表&安培计。

    So it is used instead to calibrate more practical current-measuring instrument , called ammeters .

  24. 此种不利影响可通过迅速改变电流方向来克服。

    This unwanted effect can be overcome by rapidly changing the direction of current flow .

  25. 1752年,本杰明·富兰克林将一把钥匙系在风筝上,在暴风雨中放飞,从而发现了闪电是一种电流。

    In 1752 , Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity .

  26. 电流常强得足以致命。

    Electric current is often powerful enough to kill a man .

  27. 当电流通过时,液体就分解。

    A liquid is decomposed when an electric current passes through it .

  28. 电镦机中加热电流的BP神经网络预测

    Prediction of heating current in the electric upsetting using BP neural networks

  29. 其它功能包括集成肖特基二极管、精确的LED电流匹配以及多输出能力。

    Other features include integrated Schottky diodes , accurate LED current matching and multiple output capability .

  30. 研究了温度、电流密度、pH等工艺条件对镍-金刚石复合镀层性能的影响。

    The Influences of process conditions , such as temperature , current density , pH value , etc.