
diàn xìn hào
  • electrical signal;electric signal
电信号[diàn xìn hào]
  1. CO2焊过程电信号的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis for the Electrical Signal of CO _ 2 Welding Process

  2. 目的:探讨静脉注射盐酸普罗帕酮注射液对永久人工心脏起搏器心房、心室起搏阈值及心内电信号P波、R波振幅的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of propafenone hydrochloride injection on permanent heart pacing threshold and endocardial electrical signal amplitude .

  3. 无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。

    A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties .

  4. 麦克风将声波转换成电信号来传输。

    The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission .

  5. 麦克风将声波转化成电信号进行传播

    The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical singals for transmission .

  6. 脑电信号所包含的频率分量及其变化规律是脑-计算机接口(BraincomputerInterface,BCI)研究的关键之一。

    Frequencies components and rhythmicity in EEG are the key research topics of Brain-Computer Interface research .

  7. 针对改进后心电信号压缩算法的实现,本文设计了基于FPGA的心电信号采集及压缩处理系统的硬件电路。

    The hardware circuit includes analog acquisition and real-time compression processing of ECG signals based on FPGA .

  8. VLC通信是通过驱动电路将电信号通过高速闪烁的LED光源发射出去的。

    VLC communication is via a high-speed electrical drive circuit flashing LED light source emits out .

  9. CCD(ChargeCouplingDevice)是一种图象传感器,它将光信号转换为电信号,广泛用于生产线、检查线上的高速、高精度非接触在线尺寸检测。

    The charge coupling device ( CCD ), as an image sensor , is widely used for on-line measurements in a high-speed , high-precision and noncontact way .

  10. 利用该系统在片检测了GaAs高速数字集成电路动态分频器内部的高速电信号。

    The high-speed electric signals at internal points in the high-speed GaAs digital integrated circuit-dynamic frequency divider were measured .

  11. 以体硅为衬底,采用微机械加工技术(MEMS)制作了七通道的可植入到脑皮层的微探针,用于记录神经电信号。

    An implantable seven-channel silicon-substrate microprobe was developed for cortical neural signal recordings by micro-electromechanical system ( MEMS ) technology .

  12. 采用Visualc++开发了一套信号采集、信号处理、实时显示的焊接电信号测试分析软件。

    This paper designs a welding arc information testing and processing system , which can deal with data acquisition , signal processing and real-time display in Visual C + + .

  13. 在X射线衍射仪中X射线不能直接测量,必须把它转换成可测量的电信号,然后经过计数器转换成数字量。

    Since X-ray cannot be measured directly , it must be firstly converted into electrical signal able to be measured and then convert into digital signal through counter .

  14. 实验结果表明:经模型选择后的KICA能成功分离脑电信号中的心电伪差。

    KICA with model selection step is applied to the task of removing ECG artifact from the EEG signal and the result shows KICA .

  15. 值得指出的是,这一研究的前景在于,当心电信号中的异常波形还不足以被识别时,有可能利用Lyapunov指数进行早期诊断。

    The attractive prospect of the research is that it is possible to use Lyapunov exponent for early diagnosis of heart diseases .

  16. 这样CD反射回来的信息就通过光电探测器变成电信号,然后被送入伺服系统和数据解码系统。

    So the information reflected off of the CD is converted to an electrical signal and sent to the servo and data decoding systems via the photodetectors .

  17. 生物电信号在EGA、VGA模式的快速动态显示

    Fast display of bioelectric signal in EGA or VGA

  18. 基于PIC单片机的生物体电信号采集和处理装置的研究和设计

    Design and development of the sampling and disposing apparatus about the creature 's physical electric signal based on PIC microprocessor

  19. 首先利用有限元方法对BPM电极的感应电荷进行理论计算,得到四个电极感应的电信号与位置信号的理论关系;

    The finite element method was used to calculate the induced charge produced on four - button electrodes of the BPM .

  20. 由于大气分布不均和不断的变化,尤其是大气中的水汽影响,使建立无线电信号路径延迟的精确模型在GPS高精度定位中非常必要。

    Due to the strong spatial inhomogeneity and temporal variability of atmosphere , especially water vapor , accurate modeling of path delay in GPS signals is necessary for high - accuracy position .

  21. 本研究应用遥测技术连续记录大鼠在无束缚条件下24h心电信号,并通过心率变异性(heartratevariability,HRV)频谱分析的方法研究大鼠24h自主神经活动。

    In this study ECG signal of unstrained rat was recorded by telemetry device , and heart rate variability ( HRV ) was analyzed in order to evaluate 24h autonomic nervous activity .

  22. 首先采用独立成份分析分离原始脑电信号,计算了独立成份的多种特征,并运用模糊c均值识别脑电成份和眼电成份,最终得到了去眼电干扰后的脑电信号。

    Independent component analysis is used to separate the original EEG signals first . Then , five features of independent components are calculated . EEG and ocular artifact components are recognized through fuzzy c-means clustering and finally clean EEG are obtained .

  23. 输入ROF系统的电信号可以是基带数字信号、中频信号和射频信号。

    The input electrical signal in ROF system may be base-band digital signal , intermediate-frequency signal or radio-frequency signal .

  24. 心电信号(Electrocardiograph,ECG)作为唯一反映心脏活动的电信号,是心脏病诊断、预防的重要依据。

    As the only electrical signal that reflects cardiac activity , electrocardiograph ( ECG ) is an important basis for the prevention and diagnosis of cardiovascular disease .

  25. 本文提出了一种适用于心电信号预处理的分段滤波算法(SF),该法具有速度快失真小的重要优点。

    A kind of Segmental Filter ( SF ) which is suitable for ECG signal preprocessing and has the advantages of fast speed and low distortion is described .

  26. 本文中所提到的alpha波段针对性是过去相关领域研究中所忽视的,同时排列熵的方法在精神分裂脑电信号研究领域尚属首次应用。

    The alpha band mentioned in this paper was always neglected in previous relative research . At the same time , permutation entropy is used in this area for the first time .

  27. 大脑电生理信号是反映大脑活动状态的重要信号,主要包括自发脑电信号(EEG)和诱发脑电信号(EP)。

    The brain electrophysiological signals , including electroencephalogram ( EEG ) and evoked potentials ( EP ), contain a lot of important information about the physiological states and functional activities of brain .

  28. ABC新闻社的新闻来源称从飞机上传出的急促的无线电信号说飞机受到了严重的损害,没有人员伤亡并且不得不着陆。

    ABCNEWS sources say that there was a quick radio transmission sent by the plane saying that the plane was badly damaged , no one was hurt and that it had to land .

  29. 首先选用合适的CMOS图像传感器和闪烁材料设计出了X光相机面板,完成了X光到可见光再到模拟电信号的转换。

    In X-ray camera panel , we select the appropriate CMOS image sensor and a scintillating screen to convert X-ray to visible light , and then , we change the visible light into simulating electric-signal .

  30. 在脑电信号上,对不同类型冲突信息的察觉监视的表现形式是相似的,不一致条件比一致条件诱发出了一个更加负性的ERP成分。

    Manifestations about physiological electrical signals of the different types of the conflict information monitoring were similar . The conflict information monitoring was reflected by a negative ERP component elicited by the incongruent condition than the congruent condition .