
  • 网络electronic packaging materials
  1. 等离子喷涂W-Cu电子封装材料的组织与性能

    Microstructure and properties of W-Cu electronic packaging materials by plasma spraying

  2. 退火工艺为900℃/1.5h时,CPC电子封装材料的综合性能最好。

    The CPC electronic packaging materials have the best integrated properties when annealed under the temperature of 900 ℃ for 1.5 hours .

  3. 一种新型电子封装材料70%SiAl合金通过喷射沉积技术被开发出来。

    A novel electronic packaging material , silicon-aluminium alloy ( 70 % Si-Al ) has been developed using spray deposition technique .

  4. 退火工艺对轧制复合CPC电子封装材料性能的影响

    Effect of Annealing Technology on the Properties of Rolled Composite CPC Electronic Packaging Material

  5. PPS高性能电子封装材料的研制

    Study on High Performance Poly ( Phenylene Sulfide ) Materials for Electronic Encapsulation

  6. 界面SiO2层对SiC/Al电子封装材料热膨胀系数的影响

    Influence of Interface on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of SiC / Al Electronic Packaging Composite

  7. 压制压力对Si-Al电子封装材料性能的影响

    Effect of Pressing Pressure on Properties of Si-Al Electronic Packaging Materials

  8. 热压法制备Si-Al电子封装材料及其性能

    Properties of Si-Al Electronic Packaging Materials Fabricated by Hot Pressing

  9. 经过细化的粉石英、硅微粉、白炭黑等微米甚至纳米级SiO2更是在橡胶补强、紫外屏蔽、电子封装材料等化工领域应用广泛。

    Refined , quartz and silica powders , white carbon and nano-SiO2 have been widely used for rubber reinforcement , UV shielding and electronic packaging materials .

  10. Si-Al电子封装材料粉末冶金制备工艺研究

    PM Process of Si-Al Electronic Packaging Materials

  11. 新型喷射成形轻质、高导热、低膨胀Si-Al电子封装材料

    New Spray Formed Light Weighted Si-Al Electronic Packaging Materials with Low Thermal Expansion and High Heat Conducting

  12. 随着全球环境保护呼声的日益高涨以及集成电路工业对于电子封装材料性能要求的不断提高,传统的环氧树脂塑封料(EpoxyMoldingCompounds,EMC)正在面临着巨大的挑战。

    Traditional epoxy molding compounds are facing great challenges for both of the voice from ever-rising environmental protection and the needs of improving property of electronic encapsulating materials for integrated circuit industry .

  13. 主要介绍了用轧制复合法制备CPC(Cu/Mo-30Cu/Cu)电子封装材料和用熔渗法制备其芯材Mo-30Cu的工艺。

    In this paper , the roll-bonding method was used to process the electronic-packaged composite material : CPC , and the melt and filtration method was used to process the Mo-30 Cu interlayer .

  14. 聚酰亚胺(PI)材料具有介电常数低,分解温度高及化学稳定性好等优点,是很有前途的电子封装材料。

    Polyimide ( PI ) materials have attracted much attention as a promising substrate in electronic packaging , on the basis of fact that PI has a low dielectric constant and the good thermal-mechanical and chemical properties .

  15. UV固化是辐射固化技术的一种,是快速发展的绿色新技术,广泛应用于光固化涂料、光刻胶、光固化油墨、电子封装材料等领域。

    UV curing as a kind of radiation curing technology is the rapid development of " green " new technology , widely used in photocurable coatings , photoresist , photocurable ink , electronic packaging materials , and other fields .

  16. 金刚石/铜复合材料与传统电子封装材料相比具有低的热膨胀系数和高的热导率,同时与Si、GaAs的热膨胀系数相匹配。

    Diamond / copper composite material compared with traditional electronic packaging materials , which had low coefficient of thermal expansion and high thermal conductivity , besides , the coefficient of thermal expansion matches well of Si and GaAs .

  17. 采用喷射沉积技术制备了电子封装材料70%Si-Al合金板材,制备的合金具有细小均匀的组织结构,各向同性,Si相粒子分布弥散。

    An electronic package material , silicon-aluminum alloy ( 70 % Si-Al ) strip was developed by using spray deposition technique . The high-silicon alloy prepared has fine , isotropic microstructures with fine Si phase particles dispersing in Al matrix uniformly .

  18. Kovar/Cu/Kovar电子封装材料的界面存在少量元素扩散,界面结合由机械啮合机制以及元素扩散机制共同构成。

    The diffusion happened between the surfaces of the Kovar / Cu / Kovar electronic packaging cladding sheets . The bonding mechanisms were the mechanic joggle and atomic diffusion of the interface .

  19. 研究了将导电聚吡咯(PPy)薄膜制备在绝缘环氧模塑料(EMC)电子封装材料表面的方法,及导电PPy薄膜的电磁屏蔽效能。

    The method of polypyrrole ( PPy ) films being synthesized on the surface of insulating epoxy molding compound ( EMC ) electronic packaging materials and the shielding effectiveness of PPy film were studied .

  20. 金属基复合材料(MMCs)可以把基体的高热传导性与增强体的低热膨胀系数结合起来,具有良好的综合热物理性能,满足对电子封装材料性能的要求。

    Metal matrix composites ( MMCs ) have been of interest in electronic packaging technology due to their good thermal properties , mainly the high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion .

  21. 本文的内容有三个部分,第一部分综述了PPS的性能、用途、电子封装材料的组成、电子封装材料的现状、电子封装材料的发展方向、电子封装材料对填料以及PPS要求等。

    The first part introduces the properties and applications of PPS , the current situation of electronic encapsulation materials and their developing trends , PPS based electronic encapsulation materials , and the quality of PPS and fillers for producing electronic encapsulation materials .

  22. 通过对电子封装材料的表面预处理与改性,制得了附着性好、均匀连续的聚吡咯薄膜,经掺杂电导率达到了45.10S/cm。

    A homogeneous and compact polypyrrole film was obtained through pretreatment and modification by surfactant to the surface of electronic packaging , and the conductivity got to 45.10S/cm by doping .

  23. 0-3型复合电子封装材料的理论计算与优化设计

    Theoretical Arithmetic and Optimum Design for the 0-3 Electronic Packaging Composites

  24. 铝渗碳化硅电子封装材料的热物理性能

    Thermophysical Properties of Aluminum Infiltrated Silicon Carbide for Electronic Packaging

  25. 无铅电子封装材料及其焊点可靠性研究进展

    Research Progress of Lead-free Solders and Solder Joint Reliability in Electronic Packaging

  26. 液体橡胶在电子封装材料中的应用

    Application of the liquid rubber in the electronic encapsulation material

  27. 新型电子封装材料的研究现状及展望

    Status and Prospects of New Materials for Electric Packing

  28. 1种低黏度高热可靠性苯并口恶嗪电子封装材料

    A novel lower viscosity and higher heat-reliability electronic encapsulation materials based on benzoxazine

  29. 高性能环氧树脂电子封装材料的研究与发展现状

    Research and Development of High Performance Epoxy Molding Compounds

  30. 电子封装材料用金刚石/铜复合材料的研究进展

    Research Progress of Diamond-Cu Composite Material for Electronic Packaging