
  • 网络Electronic chemicals;electronics chemicals
  1. 高纯电子化学品技术研发现状及必须解决的基本问题

    Must Be Solved Basic Problems in Research of Superpure Electronic Chemicals

  2. 我国电子化学品的现状与发展前景

    Status and Trends of Electronic Chemicals in China

  3. 全球和中国电子化学品市场正在迅速增长,2004年全球电子化学品市场将达到175亿美元。

    The worldwide and China 's electron & chemical marketplace are daily on the increase .

  4. 电子化学品的市场和前景

    Marketplace and Prospects of Electron-chemicals

  5. 我国电子化学品十一五发展方向(一)

    Development Trends of China s Electronic Chemicals during the Period of " the 11th Five-year Plan "(ⅰ);

  6. 该区域重点发展电子化学品、学试剂、物化工等产业。

    This base will focus on the developing of electronic chemical products , chemical reagent , biological chemistry etc.

  7. 电子化学品一般是指电子工业专用的化学品,主要用于集成电路和印制电路板。

    Electronic chemicals generally refers to chemicals used in the electronic industry , mainly used in integrated circuits and printed circuit board .

  8. 超高纯过氧化氢试剂是微电子材料加工必需的关键电子化学品。

    The ultra high pure hydrogen peroxide is one of the critical chemical materials for wet chemical process in the microelectronic industry .

  9. 高纯磷酸作为高端的电子化学品,在国内外电子工业中有着广泛的应用。

    Hyperpure phosphoric acid , which belongs to high end electronic chemical , has an immense demand in electronic industry and wide market prospect .

  10. 间苯二酚俗称雷锁辛,是一种重要的化工原料,广泛应用于农业、染料、涂料、医药、塑料、橡胶、电子化学品等领域。

    Resorcinol , an important material of chemistry , is widely used in many fields , such as agriculture , dyestuff , dope , medicine , latex and electric-chemistry products .

  11. 介绍了浙江省食品添加剂、饲料添加剂、工业表面活性剂、粘合剂、水处理剂、皮革化学品、造纸化学品、电子化学品和油田化学品等新领域精细化工产品的生产规状及发展方向。

    A review is given on current status and development direction for Zhejiang fine chemistry in new fields such as food additives , feed additives , industrial surfactants , adhensives , papermaking chemical products , electronic and oil - field chemical products .

  12. 化学物质是现代社会不可缺少的生产资料和消费品,并作为医药、农药、化学肥料、塑料、纺织纤维、电子化学品、家庭装饰材料、肥皂和洗衣粉等广泛应用。

    Chemicals are indispensable means of production and consumer goods of the contemporary era . and has been vastly used in pharmaceutical , pesticide , fertilizer , plastic , textile fibers , electronic chemicals , house decorating materials , soup and bleach industries .

  13. 协定,纺织品、电子产品、化学品和机械类的关税将会下降,将会完全取消。不过,橡胶等到印度农业进口的商品包含在内。

    India is hoping the pact will give a push to exports in it pharmaceuticals , chemicals and auto sectors .

  14. 钛酸锶钡作为一种电子工业专用化学品广泛用于电子陶瓷行业,主要用作敏感元器件、压电陶瓷和高压电容器陶瓷的粉体材料。

    ( Sr , Ba ) TiO3 as a special chemicals of electronics industry is useful to manufacture electron ceramic , and mainly used as powder material of manufacturing sensitivity components , piezoelectric ceramic and high-voltage ceramic capacitors .

  15. 印刷线路板是电子信息通信产业不可或缺的基础产品,而电子特用化学品是印刷线路板不可或缺的基础原料。

    Printed circuit board is an indispensable and based product of electronic information and communication industry , and electrochemicals is an essential basic raw material of printed circuit boards .

  16. 综述了我国光刻胶、FPD专用化学品、印刷电路板材料、高纯试剂、电子特种气体和封装材料的生产和应用现状,目前我国能工业化生产或批量生产的电子化学品近1000种。

    The production and application of photoresist , specialty chemicals for flat panel display , printed circuit board material , high-purity reagent , specialty gas and packaging material in China were summarized . At present , 1000 electronic chemicals can be produced in China in commercial scale or in batches .