
  • 网络Infantry Tank
  1. 反坦克炮:增加步兵反坦克能力。

    Anti tank guns ? Increases the anti-tank bonus of infantry .

  2. 步兵和坦克形势危急。

    The infantry and tanks were in a critical situation .

  3. 以色列动用步兵、坦克、炮兵、战机和海军,一夜之间打击了40多个目标。

    Israel used its infantry , tanks , artillery , war planes and navy to hit more than 40 targets just overnight .

  4. 苏军步兵与坦克的突击能力进一步增强,诸兵种合同战斗更加完善,对敌合围更加彻底。

    Soviet infantry and tank assault ability enhanced further ," various arms contract battle " is more perfect , the enemy encirclement more thoroughgoing .

  5. 当然,能打下敌机固然可喜,但是这不是主要的任务,我们的主要任务是为了掩护步兵、坦克或者是交通路口免遭敌机轰炸。

    Sure , it 's great to shoot a plane down , but that 's not the main thing , the main thing was that the covered infantry , tanks , or a crossing don 't get hurt from the raid .

  6. 同时独立的机械化师和步兵师属坦克营也开始组建。

    Separate mechanized divisions and tank battalions for infantry divisions were also formed .

  7. 应用领域不断扩大,从民品的家用割草机、汽车和城市发电机组的内燃机,到军品的步兵战车、坦克和海军舰艇的推进动力。

    And its using realm become bigger and bigger , from I / C engines of civil grass cutter , automobile and City generator sets , to driving power of military footman chariot , tank and naval ships .