
  1. 从新疆盐湖分离纯化到3株多形态嗜盐菌(编号为A5,B2和B-B2)。

    Three strains of pleomorphic halobacteria ( A5 , B2 and B-B2 ) were isolated from salt lakes of Xinjiang , China .

  2. 新疆盐湖旅游资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Tour Resource in Salt Lake of Xinjiang

  3. 新疆盐湖卤水成分及其成因

    The composition and origin of Salt Lake Brines in Xinjiang

  4. 新疆盐湖旅游开发探讨

    Study on Tourism Development of Salt Lake in Xinjiang

  5. 新疆盐湖卤水水化学特征研究

    Research on the hydrochemical feature of the brine of salt lakes in Xinjiang

  6. 新疆盐湖及其成因

    Salt lakes and their origins in xinjiang , China

  7. 从新疆盐湖中分离的颤藻的蛋白质含量高达51.3%。

    The protein content of oscillatoria SPP in Xinjiang is as high as 51 . 3 % .

  8. 新疆盐湖区域养殖盐藻与提取β,β-胡萝卜素研究

    Study on Cultivation of Dunaliella salina and extraction of β,β - carotene in the salt lake areas of xinjiang , china

  9. 探讨了新疆盐湖资源的利用现状,提出多元化开发盐湖资源的思想,分3个方向利用资源,特别是要大力开发旅游资源。

    This paper discusses current utilization status of salt lake of Xinjiang and put forward utilizing resource according to 3 aspects , especially exploiting tour resource powerfully .

  10. 新疆地区盐湖的中度嗜盐菌的数值分类

    Numerical taxonomy of moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from salt lakes in Xinjiang region

  11. 新疆现代盐湖的含钾特征及塔里木盆地的成钾远景

    The potassium-bearing characteristics of modern salt lakes and POTASSIUM-FORMING prospect of Tarim basin , Xinjiang

  12. 新疆罗布泊盐湖卤水的氚同位素特征及其地质意义

    Characteristics and origin of tritium in the potassium-rich brine in Lop Nur , Xinjiang

  13. 新疆哈密地区盐湖放线菌多样性及多相分类研究

    Study on Diversity and Polyphasic Taxonomy of Actinomycetes Isolated from Hami Salt Lakes in Xinjiang

  14. 结论HSC、HPC同时适应于青海和新疆等恶劣的盐湖卤水环境。

    It can be concluded that both HSC and HPC are applicable to Qinghai or Xinjiang salt lake bitterns .

  15. 新疆的硝酸盐盐湖

    The Nitrate Salt Lakes in Xinjiang

  16. 新疆罗布泊第四纪盐湖上升卤水流体及其成钾意义

    Ascending Brine Fluids in Quaternary Salty Lake of Lop Nur in Xinjiang and Their Significance in Potash Formation