
  1. 微博在作为新兴舆论场的同时,也已成为舆情的高发地。

    As an emerging public opinion field , microblog has become the high-occurrence place of public opinion .

  2. 本周初,世界银行(worldbank)警告称,在西方国家经济活动开始显著回暖之时,新兴国家面临一场可能持续数年的结构性放缓。

    Earlier this week , the World Bank warned that emerging economies face a structural slowdown likely to last for years , just as activity in the west begins to pick up in earnest .

  3. 不过,投资新兴市场并非一场单向赌博。

    Emerging markets have not been a one-way bet , however .

  4. 事实上,新兴市场对这场全球危机的正确反应,应该是加速改革,加强金融和监管的基础设施,同时尽量注意避免引致此次危机的一些偏离方向的激励措施。

    Indeed , the correct response in emerging markets to the global crisis should be to accelerate reforms that strengthen the financial and regulatory infrastructure , while taking care to avoid , as far as possible , the misaligned incentives that lie at the root of the crisis .