
pū mǎn
  • piggy bank;earthenware money box
扑满 [pū mǎn]
  • [earthenware money box] 存钱的瓦器,有一细长的孔,可放入钱币,要打破后才能取出

扑满[pū mǎn]
  1. 装了一季又一季的心事也储在月亮的扑满里,等待光阴的造访温习那个时候的心思。

    Installed a season season concern also to store in moon 's piggy bank , waited for the time visited review at that time thoughts .

  2. 一天,表妹四处寻找,最后竟然在冰箱里发现了扑满。

    One day , she found the piggy in , of all places , the refrigerator .

  3. 我表妹总是从她哥哥的小猪扑满里借钱,她哥哥对此事感到很愤怒。

    My cousin always borrows money from her older brother 's piggy bank , which drives him crazy .

  4. 扑满里有张纸条:亲爱的妹妹,我希望你能够理解,我的资产现在已被冻结。

    Inside was this note : Dear sister , I hope you 'll understand , but my capital has been frozen .

  5. 因为兔子喜欢挖洞,所以你最好为它准备一个扑满碎纸的大盒子或篮子。

    Because of their instinct for digging , it is best to provide a large box or basket filled with shredded paper .

  6. 都是梦;梦醒了,扑满里却多了三十几块钱,真的!

    All were a dream ; yet when he woke up , there 'd be thirty more dollars in his till ! That was real .

  7. 教会储蓄没有一个猪型扑满的儿童时代是不完美的。对那些才3岁的孩子来说,家庭银行能帮他把存钱变成一种游戏。

    Teach saving no childhood is complete with-out a piggy bank : for children as young as three , home banks help make a game out of saving money .