• love and respect one's elder brother
  • 敬爱哥哥,引申为顺从长(zhǎng )上:孝~。


[书] (敬爱哥哥) love and respect one's elder brother:

  • 孝悌

    being good son and good brother

  1. 悌磨西当然退休之后混得很好。

    Timothy , of course , and done well by retiring .

  2. 别为我哭泣,玛奇和悌娜。

    Don 't cry for me , Marge and tina .

  3. 以悌摩西那样衰弱的神经,这件事准会吓坏他。

    That 'll astonish Timothy 's weak nerves .

  4. 依照埃及人记载,克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭。

    By Egyptian record , Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse .

  5. 维悌希反应在农药合成中的应用

    Application of Witting Reaction to Pesticide Synthesis

  6. 相转移催化维悌希反应研究

    Study on phase transfer catalytic Wittig reaction

  7. 玛悌尚恩说这是所拔尖学校。

    Marty sheen says it 's top-notch .

  8. 与古埃及人记载的克弗悌乌相比,柏拉图的亚特兰蒂斯也有许多相似之处。

    Comparison of ancient Egyptian records of Keftiu identifies a number of similarities to Plato 's Atlantis .

  9. 第二章结合历史学和社会学的研究方法,分析了悌勒曼三代女性的生活和她们女性意识的变迁。

    The second chapter gives a historical and sociological analysis of the lives of the three generations of the Tillerman women and the transformation of their feminist consciousness .

  10. 律师阿布度.杰悌里说,离婚申请是女孩的母亲于8月份在女孩父亲与新郎签订了结婚协议后提出的,女孩母亲未透露姓名,已与丈夫离婚。

    Lawyer Abdu Jtili said the divorce petition was filed by the unnamed girl 's divorced mother in August after the marriage contract was signed by her father and the groom .

  11. 弟子入则孝,出则弟(悌)&孔子,中国古代教育家、思想家、哲学家。

    A youth , when at home , should be filial , and , abroad , respectful to his elders & Kung Fu-tzu Confucius , Chinese educator , thinker and philosopher .

  12. 在过去三年,小的一直担任唐悌先生的秘书。对于唐悌先生,阁下必定知悉,同时唐先生的事业早已为市民所熟知。

    For the pst three years , I have served as a private secretary to Mr.T.Tang whom you know well , and whose public works have been heralded all over Hong Kong .

  13. 这样,用来约束人类的孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻等伦理观念便被移植到了动物界。

    Therefore , such ethical ideas as " filial piety , fraternal respect , loyalty , honesty , propriety , righteousness , integrity , sense of shame " are transplanted to the animal world .

  14. 三代社会里已存在的慈、孝、友、悌等家庭道德理念及相关家庭观念,则为先秦儒家系统家庭观的形成提供了雏形。

    The family ethnics of ci ( kindness ), xiao ( obedience ), you ( benevolence ), and ti ( love and respect ), which had already existed in the three dynasties , provided the embryonic form for the formation of the Confucian family concepts .