
pínɡ mín zhènɡ zhì
  • Civilian politics;populism;arithmocracy
  1. 马尔克斯先生是哥伦比亚革命武装力量秘书处成员当中唯一一位参加过平民政治事务的:他曾为爱国联盟代表大会效力,但该组织最终没有成为法定政治派别。

    Mr M á rquez is the only FARC secretariat member who has participated in civilian politics : he served in Congress for the Patriotic Union , the group 's failed attempt at a legal political wing .

  2. 其实,他所有的言行和成败都是基于他对19世纪传统农业社会的基本价值观的始终不渝的信念,即以农业神话为基础的平民政治观和新教福音派道德观。

    All he did was based on his belief in the traditional values of 19th-century America as an agricultural society , that is , the democratic idea based on the " Agrarian Myth " and the moral code of the evangelical Protestantism .

  3. 平民政治方案充分反映了广大人民要求建立一个平等理想社会的强烈愿望,可在当时,民众中的绝大多数缺乏现代政治常识,如何使平民政治付诸实践,的确是一个很大的难题。

    Although civilian-politics reflected fully the desire which the most people required to establish an equal community , while the majority of people still lack knowledge of modern political context , it is a big problem how civilian-politics was put into practice .

  4. 这些道德卫士们,迫害在网上发泄不满的泰国人。他们的行动不但增加了平民对曼谷政治精英的愤怒,还可能激发对共和制度的向往。

    By persecuting Thais who give vent online , these moral guardians may be adding to the anger against Bangkok 's elite and , perhaps , fanning the flames of republicanism .

  5. 在此过程中,平民与贵族的斗争是各种矛盾冲突的核心,平民是雅典政治舞台上中最活跃的社会阶层。

    In this process , civilians struggle with the nobility of the core of the various contradictions and conflicts , civilians are the political arena in Athens , the most active sectors of society .