
shí jiè
  • Ten Commandments;the Ten Prohibitions
  1. 在西奈山上他从上帝那里接受了十戒。

    Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai .

  2. 十戒里没有一条是反对钓鱼的。

    The ten commandments don 't say anything against fishing .

  3. 出演该片的还有奥卡菲娜、陈法拉、杨紫琼和梁朝伟,梁朝伟饰演真满大人和十戒帮的老大。

    The film also stars Awkwafina , Fala Chen , Michelle Yeoh and Tony Chiu-Wai Leung , the latter of which plays the real Mandarin5 and the leader of the Ten Rings organization .

  4. 我可以给你10个字的十戒:

    I can give you the ten commandments in ten words :

  5. 你说的是十戒?

    You talking about the ten commandments ?

  6. 《上气与十戒传说》:2021年2月12日上�

    February 12 , 2021 : " Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings "

  7. 十戒和本章所列的典章有什么关系?

    What is the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the laws indicated in this Chapter ?

  8. “十戒”组织的头领名叫拉扎,这是根据神奇漫画的一个角色而命名的。

    The leader of the Ten Rings is named Raza , after a Marvel Comics character .

  9. 写作十戒律

    The Ten Commandments of Writing

  10. 从十戒到蓄起胡须--因为《利未记》要求人们不许剔除胡须。

    And from the Ten Commandments to growing my beard -- because Leviticus says you cannot shave .

  11. 我们在这里就是为了保卫十戒的

    What we 're tryin ' to do here , son , is protect the Ten Commandments .

  12. 电影《尚气与十戒传奇》将于2021年9月上映。

    The movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings will be released in September 2021 .

  13. 摩西第二次到山上去拿另一块刻有十戒的石板。

    Moses goes up the mountain a second time to get a replacement set of the Ten Commandments .

  14. 在美国的佛吉尼亚州的贾尔斯县,地方教育委员会在本县学校中移除了十戒的展示。

    In Giles County , Virginia , the school board has removed displays of the Ten Commandments in its schools .

  15. 并且这些包含一些有名的律法,一些我曾经听过的--“十戒”、“爱你的邻人”、“多结果子和生养众多”。

    And they range from the famous ones that I had heard of -- The Ten Commandments , love your neighbor , be fruitful and multiply .

  16. 这个县城本以为贴出十戒,并附带美国宪法的第一部分,可能有助于提高道德价值观。

    The county thought that posting the Ten Commandments , along with the first part of the United States Constitution , might help increase moral values .

  17. 神已经颁布了十戒,为什麽还要定新的典章?换句话说,典章的目的是什么?

    God had already pronounced the ten commandments , why did he set new laws ? Another words , what is the purpose of the laws ?

  18. 自由思想的精髓也许可以用新“十戒”概括。新“十戒”是用来补充而不是代替旧“十戒”。

    Perhaps the essence of the Liberal outlook could be summed up in a new decalogue , not intended to replace the old one but only to supplement it .

  19. 旧约第二卷;讲述摩西领导以色列人离开埃及奴隶制度;出埃及时上帝给了他们十条戒律,在西奈山上授十戒及摩西律法。

    Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses ; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus .

  20. 曾出演情景喜剧《金氏便利店》的加拿大华裔演员刘思慕将担纲《上气与十戒传说》的男主角。

    Chinese Canadian actor Simu Liu , best known from the sitcom Kim 's Convenience , will play the title role in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings .

  21. 您曾经写过人生十戒,而这篇文章也在网络上广为流传,让我们了解了一个更为丰富的您。

    You once had written a person to give birth to10 give up , and this article is wide on the network also to circulate , let us understand more rich you .

  22. 此后,由师傅向其传授的十戒、十问、十答,规范了受戒者在以后的人生中所要承担的角色,所要履行的责任和义务。

    Then , masters will teach him Ten Commandments , Ten Questions , Ten Answer to regulate his role to be undertaken , responsibilities and obligations to be fulfill in the future life .