
xínɡ ɡānɡ zhá jī
  • Section mill;shape rolling mill
  1. 二辊型钢轧机提供合格断面形状带坯的设定方法及应用

    Basic Process and method for Providing Qualified Fracture Surface by the Two - roll Shape Rolling Mill

  2. 提出建设新H型钢轧机的思路。

    The idea to construct new H beam mill is proposed .

  3. H型钢轧机水平辊辊环应力分析

    The stress analysis and compare of the roll ring in H-Beam Mill

  4. 国内热轧H型钢轧机生产现状及推广应用中存在的问题

    Current status of domestic hot rolled H-steel production and problems in marketing

  5. 大型H型钢轧机自动化控制系统的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Heavy H-Beam Mill Automatic Control System

  6. H型钢轧机工作辊道升降机的校核与改造

    Verification and Alteration of Screw Jacks of H Beam Mill Work Table Roller

  7. 轧机运输辊道结构的改进H型钢轧机高速空心辊道辊子的研制

    The development of the high speed hollow roller on the roller table of the H beam rolling mill

  8. 介绍一重为马鞍山钢铁公司制造的H型钢轧机工作辊轴承的设计计算。

    The article explains the design and calculation of work roll bearings in H-section steel mill supplied by CFHI for Maanshan Steel .

  9. H型钢轧机除鳞集管的装焊中厚板淬火机集管流场的数值模拟与参数优化设计

    Fabricate Welding Process for Descaling Header in H Section Mill Flow Numerical Simulation and Parameters Optimization of the Header Pipe of Non-restrained Medium Steel Plate Quencher

  10. 通过对小H型钢轧机传动系统的参数分析和计算数值,来分析轧机万向接轴在首次国产化过程中十字轴断裂频繁以及花键卡死的原因。

    Based on parameters analysis and calculated figures of rolling mill drive system , we analyze broken causation of this kind universal joint shaft first made in China .

  11. 本文简单介绍了大型H型钢轧机生产线的生产工艺、控制设备、控制功能,介绍了电气传动系统的控制设备、控制系统。

    The article explain the craftwork , and control device , and control funtion of heavy H-beam mill production line of laiwu iron & steel company , explain the control device and control system of electric drive system .

  12. 介绍了现有的三机架连板式H型钢轧机电气系统的改造。论述了轧机压下系统、微张力控制、速度调节的模型和轧制过程程序控制的实施方法。

    This paper introduced the innovation for the electrical system of existing three-stand H-beam rolling mill , and discussed rolling program control and the model of rolling mill 's screw down system , tiny tension control , and speed regulation .

  13. 在发展连续中型轧机的同时,现有横列式中型轧机部分将自然消亡,部分可加以技术改造继续维持生产,但不宜改造成H型钢轧机。

    Accordingly continuous section mill will grow up , existing , belgian section mill will be shut down , part of them may remain after technical revamping , but it is not suitable to be modified into H beam mill .

  14. 大型材轧机的生产能力不足,必须建设新的万能型钢轧机和择优改造650轧机以配套生产大、中、小H型钢。

    The large-section mills are unsufficient in capacity So the construction of new universal section mills and renovation of some selected 650 mills will be necessary to help form a complete chain for the production of large , medium and small H-section steels .

  15. Φ650/Φ630mm型钢轧机轧辊堆焊技术优化及应用

    Technology Optimization of Building-up Welding for Roll of Φ 650 / Φ 630mm Section Steel Mill and Its Application

  16. 现代化小型型钢轧机建设的若干问题

    Some problems on the construction of modernized mini ~ sized section mills

  17. 中型型钢轧机改造方案探讨

    Investigation on the plans of reformation of medium section mill

  18. 中型型钢轧机精整工序能力开发

    Ability Development of Finishing Line Process of Medium Section Mill

  19. 莱钢中型型钢轧机自动控制系统

    Automatic control system for medium section mill in Laiwu Iron and Steel Co

  20. 我国小型型钢轧机连续化模式的剖析

    Dissection on continuing pattern of ear mill in China

  21. 大中型型钢轧机用辊材质选择

    Roll material selection for heavy and medium section mill

  22. 万能型钢轧机轧制规程优化设计

    Optimized Pass Design to Universal H-Beam Rolling Mill

  23. 万能型钢轧机调零方案的改进

    Zeroing sequence control of the universal section mill

  24. 阐述了我国小型型钢轧机的布置型式、装备水平以及存在的差距。

    The layout , status and problems of small rolling mills in China are listed .

  25. 三辊式型钢轧机的咬入条件

    Bite condition of three-high jobbing mill

  26. 该技术应用于和歌山型钢轧机和鹿岛大型型钢轧机。

    This technology was applied in Wakayama / Section Mill and Kashima / Large Section Mill .

  27. 合金球铁轧辊在连续式热轧中型型钢轧机上的应用

    Application of Nodular Graphite Alloy Cast Iron Rollers to Medium Size shaped Steel Continuous Hot rolling Mill

  28. 叙述了型钢轧机采用大辊缝孔型设计的优点和设计特点。

    The superlority and feature of using big bite in pass design of section rolling were briefed .

  29. 这种分析方法和求得的结果对万能型钢轧机的设计有非常重要的参考价值。

    This analytical method and the result will provide a important reference to the design of the Universal Profiled Roll .

  30. 介绍了江阴兴澄特钢现代化中型型钢轧机的概况及其主要工艺技术特点。

    The general situation and main technology characteristics of the modern medium section mill in Xingcheng Special Iron and Steel Co. are introduced .