
  • 网络barrel
  1. 拉矫机辊身具有耐磨性好的优点。

    The rollers of the withdrawal straightener has the advantage of wearproofness .

  2. 高铬离心复合铸铁轧辊辊身工作层剥落分析

    Analysis on spalling of work layer of high chromium centrifugal cast iron roll

  3. 半冷硬球铁轧辊辊身硬度不稳定的原因及对策

    Reason Causing Unstable body Hardness of Semi - Chilled Nodular Iron Roll and Countermeasures

  4. 离心复合铸造球铁轧辊辊身裂纹缺陷与应对措施

    Preventing Measures Against Cracks on Alloy Ductile Iron Rolls Body Manufactured by Centrifugal Compound Technic

  5. 高铬铸铁的切削用量优化计算高镍铬铸铁轧辊辊身配料铁屑用量研究

    An Investigation on the Optimum Amount of Returing Scrap in Melting Charge Mixture for High Ni-Cr Cast Iron Milling Roll

  6. 对半冷硬球铁轧辊辊身硬度低和不稳定的原因进行了分析。

    The reason causing the hardness of body of the semi-chilled nodular iron rolls to be low and unstable was analyzed .

  7. 本公式考虑铝箔入口和出口弹性变形和轧制铝箔两侧轧辊辊身端部弹性接触压力对轧制力的影响。

    The influence of the bite , the entrance and exit elastic deformation and the roller both ends contact pressure is considered .

  8. 从冷轧辊的材质、显微组织和辊身硬度等方面介绍了宽带锻钢轧辊的发展情况,并对辊面镀铬、毛化、缺陷检测等使用技术及其效果作了介绍。

    The development of forged steel roll for cold rolling wide strip is introduced . The detecting techniques for defects of roll are introduced too .

  9. 本文重点讨论轧辊弹性压扁沿辊身长度分布的规律及最佳弯辊力,有一定参考价值。

    In this article author puts emphasis upon the discussion about distribution regularity of roll flattening along the length of roll body and optimum roll-bending force , which is of certain value .

  10. 通过模拟分析,最后得到了铝带冷轧过程中的最大轧制力和宽展与压下量、前后张力、辊身大小等关系。

    Through simulation analysis , in the process of rolling force the greatest spread of the pressure aluminum strip has an impact on reduction of roll , before and after the tension and the size of roller tracks .

  11. 采用有限单元法对500轧机中间轧辊的应力进行了分析,得出了中间轧辊辊身疲劳安全系数。

    In the paper , the stress slate of the middle roller in the 500 rolling mill is analyzed by using FEM ( finite element method ) . The results show the safety fatigue factor of the middle roller .

  12. 试验结果表明:所设计的装置可以实现连续的层流水幕,沿辊身轴向能够进行宽度调整;在流量无干扰区域,可实现中部水流量大于边部水流量的预期效果。

    Experimental results indicate that the designed devices can realize continuous laminar curtain wall , the adjustment in the roll axial direction , and the anticipated effect that middle flux is greater than the marginal flux in the no flux-disturbed area .

  13. 1700mm连轧机组支承辊辊身断裂失效分析

    Failure Analysis on the Break of Back - up Roller Body

  14. 镍基合金喷焊辊辊身车削技术研究及实践辊压机辊面的堆焊修复方法

    Research and Application of Turning Technique for Nickel Base Alloy Spray Welding Roller Body

  15. 改进后所述外弧辊辊身上设有冷却槽,冷却槽呈环形均布在辊身上。

    The improved external arc roll body is provided with a cooling groove ; the cooling groove is uniformly distributed on the roll body .

  16. 通过控制齿辊辊身化学成分,选用合理的堆焊焊条,解决了短轴颈的铸造难题,结合生产实践,成功开发制作出了质量优良、性能稳定的合格齿辊。

    With controlling its chemical components , selecting suitable overlaying welding rod and resolving the problem of casting its short axis neck , the qualified grooved roller with high quality and stable performance is successfully developed and produced in combination with production .

  17. 由模拟结果可知,在原始工艺条件下,大型轧辊在凝固过程中,在下辊颈和辊身结合部位易产生热节,导致集中缩孔。

    From the simulated result it can be seen that the traditional process leads to the hot spot occurring in the junction of the lower part of roller and the middle part of roller , which forms the shrinkage .

  18. 研究结果表明,在轧制能力范围内,轧件越宽,轧辊采用凹辊型可以使辊身部的辊间压力分布更为均匀;

    The effects of rolling parameters such as plate width , roll contours , chamfer and straight chamfer parameters on the contact pressure distribution were studied .

  19. 现代铝箔轧机为了满足极薄、宽带铝箔制品的大量需求,在现有精密化和板形控制特性基础上向小工作辊直径、宽辊身和高速化方向发展。

    In order to meet the great need of providing extremely thin and wide-strip aluminum foil products , based on the existing precision and strip-shape controllable characteristics , modern aluminum foil develop to be of smaller roll diameter , wider roll body and higher working speed .

  20. 中厚板辊型设计中压力沿辊身分布算法

    Pressure Distribution Algorithm of Roll Camber Design for Medium and Heavy Plate

  21. 在浇注辊身长径比≥2.5时,辊身易出现探伤超标,冒颈缩孔、疏松等品质缺陷。

    When roll barrel with big ratio of length to diameter (≥ 2.5 ) was cast , some quality defects like flaw inspection unqualified , riser shrinkage and porosity frequently occur .

  22. 通过支撑辊弯曲强度解析计算,得出支撑辊辊颈和辊身的弯曲应力,并确定此支撑辊的薄弱点在辊颈处。

    By analysis calculating bending strength of back-up roll , it can educe bending stress of end and body of back-up roll , and define weak spot that is both end of back-up roll .

  23. 改进工艺后,增大下辊颈砂型的激冷能力,轧辊上的热节转移到了辊身上部和上辊颈中,在此部位产生集中缩孔。

    Through modification , we improve the cooling capability of the mold , the hot spot can be transferred to the junction of the middle part and the upper part of roller where the shrinkage is easy to occur .

  24. 提出支承辊的锻造工艺宜采用上宽平砧下平台+宽V形砧大压下量(FM+KD)锻造法,辊身喷冷后终冷温度在220~250℃为宜。

    Which presents that the forging process for the backup roll shall be top wide anvil , bottom platform + wide V type anvil with large percent reduction , and the final temperature of the roll proper shall be better within 220 ~ 250 ℃ .