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sì tǐ
  • Tetrasomy;arms and legs;the four limbs;limbs;four styles of the Chinese calligraphy
四体 [sì tǐ]
  • (1) [limbs]∶指人的四肢

  • 四体不勤,五谷不分

  • (2) [four styles of the Chinese calligraphy]∶书法中指真、草、隶、篆四种字体

四体[sì tǐ]
  1. 一种分形点阵上含两体和四体互作用Ising模型的严格解

    Exact solution of an Ising model with pair and four-site interactions on a fractal lattice

  2. d-d四体破裂反应的单态氘中间过程(Ⅱ)

    Singlet deuteron intermediate state in D-D four-body breakup reaction (ⅱ)

  3. 利用中国春及其缺体-四体对wx-Bl基因的STS标记和wx-Al、wx-dl的微卫星(SSR)标记进行了定位。

    Chinese Spring and its null-tetrasomic lines were used to identify the specific bands of STS-marker and microsatellites ( SSR ) marker of wx genes .

  4. 在对X微处理器结构进行深入分析的基础上,并结合多种经典的分支预测技术,本文提出了四体、四路组相联的BTB结构。

    Based on our in-depth analysis of the X microprocessor structure , this thesis proposed a four-bank and four-set structure BTB , comparing with multiple classical branch prediction technology .

  5. 以中国春第6部分同源群染色体的缺体-四体材料和六倍体小麦的二倍体和四倍体祖先种的基因组DNA为PCR模板,验证得到11个6D染色体特异的SNP标记。

    Experimental tests revealed 11 chromosome 6D-specific SNP markers by using genomic DNA from homoeologous group-6 nullisomic-tetrasomic lines of Chinese Spring and putative diploid and tetraploid ancestors of hexaploid wheat as PCR templates .

  6. 在前期工作的基础上,进一步考虑了He原子(e,3e)反应中末态四体的动量相关。

    Based on Author 's earlier paper , the momentum correlation of the four bodies in the final state is further considered for ( e , 3e ) processes on Helium .

  7. 该方案揭示了一种四体纠缠态的某种特殊纠缠属性,并表明从某种意义上来讲,还可以从这样的一个四体纠缠态中提取出2个Bell态的纠缠。

    The scheme reveals some particular properties of the related four-partite entangled state , and indicates that in some sense the amount of entanglement of two Bell states can be abstracted from any one of the four-partite states .

  8. 本文通过decoration变换和decimation变换把在平方晶格上的自旋-1模型等价于一个checkerboard晶格上具有次近邻和四体相互作用的伊辛模型,并得到自旋-1模型的近似临界条件。

    In this paper , we apply the decoration and decimation transformation to the square-lattice spin-1 model and show that it is equivalent toa checkerboard Ising model with cross and four-spin interactions .

  9. 1例无分裂相加速期患者,I-FISH发现同时存在8三体(14.6%)和8四体(80.4%)。

    One case without metaphase was found to have trisomy 8 ( 14.6 % ) and tetrasomy 8 ( 80.4 % ) by I-FISH .

  10. 8号染色体四体、三体共存的t(15;17)(q22;q12)急性早幼粒细胞白血病(英文)

    Coexistence of Tetrasomy 8 and Trisomy 8 in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia ( AML-M_3 ) with t ( 15 ; 17 )( q22 ; q12 )

  11. 四体相互作用对固氦压缩特性的贡献

    Contributions of four - body interactions to compressibility of solid helium

  12. 量子隐形传送两体任意态的真实四体纠缠通道方案

    Teleportation of Two-Partite Arbitrary States Via Genuine Four-Partite Entangled States

  13. 菱形四体问题的相空间结构

    The phase space structure of the rhomboidal four body problem

  14. 环形和线形四体系统的耦合振动模式

    Modes of Coupled Oscillations inside Four-Body Systems on A Ring and A Chain

  15. 复合模型和∑的四体衰变

    Four body decay of σ in a composite model

  16. 三个新型人工合成缺体-四体小麦材料的细胞学观察

    Cytological Observation on Three New Synthetic Nullisomic-tetrasomic Wheat Lines

  17. 平面限制性四体问题的数值研究

    Numerical study on the planar restricted problem of 4-body

  18. 小水线面四体船的阻力特点分析

    Performance of small waterplane area quad-hull ′ s resistance

  19. 谷子四体的细胞学和形态学研究

    A Study on the Cytology and Morphology of the Tetrasomics in Foxtail Millet

  20. 两体论还是四体论?&夸克等人的体态观她的体态长得美妙动人。

    Two Aspects or Four Aspects ?; She had that curious beauty of body .

  21. 低增生骨髓增生异常综合征伴8四体异常一例报告并文献复习

    Hypoplastic Myelodysplastic Syndrome with Tetrasomy 8 : a Case Report and a Literature Review

  22. 盖伦还被认为巩固了“四体液学说”的流行理论。

    Galen is also credited with solidifying the popular theory of the Four Humours .

  23. 三效四体烧碱蒸发汽耗最少的操作压力

    Operation Pressure to Attain to Minimal Steam Consumption of Three-effect / Four-part Caustic Soda Evaporation

  24. 四体问题的平行四边形中心构型

    Four - body Central Configuration of Parallelogram

  25. 并且四体纠缠随着系统的初始态和失谐量的变化而变化。

    The four-body entanglement changes with the initial state of the system and detuning degree .

  26. 利用子体系的变换系数计算四体系统的超球谐变换系数

    Calculations of the hyperspherical transformation brackets of 4-body systems by using those of their subsystems

  27. 一类平面四体的中心构型

    A Kind of 4-Body Flat Central Configurations

  28. 介绍了集散型控制系统在柠檬酸四体三效蒸发结晶过程中的应用。

    The application of distribution control system in vapor crystallization process of citric acid is presented .

  29. 2万t/a烧碱三效四体蒸发装置技改总结

    Summary on innovation of three effect and four compartment evaporation units of 20 kt / a caustic soda

  30. 陆地棉三体的诱发、鉴定、研究和利用&Ⅱ.额外染色体的传递及四体的分离

    Studies of Trisomic Plants in Upland Cotton & ⅱ . Transmission of Trisomic Chromosome and Production of Tetrasomes