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cè yǐn
  • compassion;pity
恻隐 [cè yǐn]
  • [compassion;pity] 见人遭遇不幸而心有所不忍。即同情

  • 恻隐之心,人皆有之。--《孟子.告子上》

恻隐[cè yǐn]
  1. 我感受这种反浸染是无法感应熏染恻隐和对他人怜悯的功效。

    I feel this reaction is the result of the inability to feel compassion and empathy for others .

  2. 恻隐的默示也可意味着耐心的,乃至当你被搬弄的时辰,你以一种不被加害的方法回应。

    Acting with compassion can also mean being patient and responding in a nonaggressive way , even when you are being provoked .

  3. “好啦,”他说,“大家应当有点恻隐心。

    " Come , said he ," you must have a little pity .

  4. 我对您深表恻隐!

    I sympathize with you .

  5. 若你心中无恻隐慈善,你便患有最厉害的心病。

    If you haven 't got charity in your heart , you have the worst kind of heart trouble .

  6. 朱熹主张恻隐是情、四端皆情,强调道德情感与道德理性的互动。

    Zhu Xi argued that Compassion is feeling and Four Ends are Feeling , and insisted that moral feeling and moral reason are mutual affected .

  7. 伴侣们,这必要更多的力气是富有恻隐心,出格是当你敷衍严酷,残酷,愤慨和惊骇。

    Friends , it takes a lot of strength to be compassionate , especially when you are up against harshness , cruelty , anger and fear .

  8. 在年夜年夜都动物中,主要的威胁存生压力回响体系刺激,恻隐和“或打或逃”成果的激活。

    In most animals , a serious threat provokes a serious activation of the stimulatory , sympathetic ," fight or flight " side of the stress response .

  9. 此外一些人年夜概感受恻隐心意味着为某些人抛却悉数,可能年夜略的在人们必要时年夜略的辅佐他们,如自然劫难。

    Others may feel that compassion means giving up everything for someone else , or simply helping people out in times of need such as a natural disaster .

  10. 当我们侧重于澄清我们的不雅察看,感应熏染,需乞降但愿,而不是诊断和武断,我们就会发明自己的恻隐心。

    When we focus on clarifying what we observe , feel , need , and want , rather than on diagnosing and judging , we can discover our own compassion .

  11. 有人说,是因为残疾,因为人们的恻隐心,才给他颁的奖。但打动人心的还是那语言,它们恣肆奔放,鲜活欲滴&就像那些词语从未被人使用过从未遭受污染似的。

    Some said disability got the prize for him , but what won it was the language , uncorralled and fresh as though the words had never been tried before .

  12. 每当阳光雨停时,情感丰富的我,总会在心底里恻隐,仰望着天空,期盼彩虹出现!

    Whenever the sun when the rain stopped , I 'm feeling rich , always at the heart , compassion , looking up at the sky , looking forward to a rainbow !

  13. “8年前,阿谁周二早上的悲剧变乱鼓动美国人以一种空前的团结与恻隐精神聚在一路”,本周奥巴马总统这样说。

    " Eight years ago , the tragic events of that Tuesday morning inspired Americans to come together in a remarkable spirit of unity and compassion ," said President Barack Obama this week .

  14. 从存在论、感应论、恻隐论、家族论、政治论以及天人相应论这六个面向可以揭示出王阳明一体之仁的思想内涵。

    The paper discloses six dimensions in Wang Yang-ming 's thought of forming one body & existential theory , induced theory , theory of compassion , theory of family , political theory and theory of correspondence between man and universe .