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xiū wù
  • Shame and disgust;be ashamed of evil deeds
羞恶 [xiū wù]
  • [be ashamed of evil deeds] 因己身的不善而羞耻,见他人的不善而憎恶

  • 无羞恶之心,非人也。--《孟子.公孙丑》。朱注:羞,耻己之不善也;恶,憎人之不善也。

  • 羞恶之心

羞恶[xiū wù]
  1. 羞恶之心人皆有之。

    All men have a sense of shame . ; Everybody has a sense of shame .

  2. 羞恶自有报,只争迟与早。由于贵方报价迟迟到达,我方已从他处订货。

    God mete out justice in his own good time . Owing to the belated arrival of your offer , we have already placed our order elsewhere .

  3. 阻止大多数年轻人胡作非为的条条框框——固有的是非感、对工作和教育前景的挂虑、羞恶之心——似乎对这些暴徒形同虚设。

    The barriers that prevent most youngsters from running amok - an inherent sense of right and wrong ; concern for their job and education prospects ; shame - seem not to exist in the minds of the rioters .

  4. 现实生活中人都有羞恶之心、廉耻之心,一个优秀作家塑造出来的文学人物,自然是血肉丰满呼吸生动的,他们能行动、能思索,有欲望更有尊严和人格。

    Everyone in the real life has a sense of shame . The literature character created by a excellent author surely is flesh and vivid , they can move , think , they have not only lust but dignity and personality .