
  • 网络Shame;the Sense of Shame;feeling of shame
  1. 心中有羞愧感,有时候甚至无地自容。

    There is a sense of shame , sometimes carried to extremes .

  2. 对学前儿童羞愧感的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Pre-school Children 's Shame

  3. 能有羞愧感的人不易堕落。

    He who can feel ashamed will not readily go wrong .

  4. 一想到这里,一种难堪的羞愧感就笼罩着他。

    At this thought an unbearable sense of shame possessed him .

  5. 我觉得,这似乎是财富羞愧感过了头。

    To me , this seems like wealth shame run amok .

  6. 这可能是由于你过于关注自己和自己的羞愧感。

    This can result from focussing too much on yourself and your own shyness .

  7. 把这种感觉写下来,最后,这种羞愧感终于瓦解了。

    Start writing the feelings that are going on for you and finally , shame bust .

  8. 我在研究单细胞生物,试图从它们身上找到引发羞愧感的神经化学物质。

    I 'm studying one-celled organisms to try and find the neurochemicals that lead to the feeling of shame .

  9. 10&12岁儿童认为产生羞愧感主要是由于不适的行为和害怕被公开。

    10-12 year-old children believe that sense of shame is mainly caused by ill behavior and fear of being exposed .

  10. 自私的人对自己的自私心缺乏羞愧感,因为他认为别人也是自私的。

    A selfish person has little sense of shame about his selfishness as he thinks other people are selfish , too .

  11. 羞愧感是一种深刻的社会情感,它与人的个性道德认识有密切的联系。

    As a method of socialization , shame technique is used by parents to make their children feel shame and follow rules .

  12. 这不是那种健康的羞愧感,因为你不能和你的同事提起讨论它。

    not feeling the healthy kind of shame that you feel , because you can 't talk about it with your colleagues .

  13. 在大多数情境下,四类完美主义者在成功后的自豪感和失败后的羞愧感存在显著差异。

    In the most of the situations , there is a significant difference in pride after success and shame after failure among four types of perfectionists .

  14. 在接下来的几个星期内,我无比的沮丧,并第一次经历了那种在医学文化中存在的危险的羞愧感--我觉得孤单无助。

    Over the next few weeks , I beat myself up and I experienced for the first time the unhealthy shame that exists in our culture of medicine -- where I felt alone , isolated ,

  15. 根据归因理论,一个人的行为归因影响随后的行为和动机、将来的成就期望、面对相似任务时的持续性以及感知未来成功或失败的自豪感和羞愧感。

    According to attribution theory , the attribution of an individual behavior can affect subsequent behavior and motivation , future achievement expectancy , persistence at similar tasks , pride or shame felt following success or failure .

  16. 人们经常会沉迷于另外一个人或者在完全不可能的情况下坠入爱河,但是实际上这种情况不可能发生,因为他们内心有着深深的羞愧感或自己不配。

    People are often addicted to someone else or fall in love with a situation which is utterly impossible , in reality , could never happen because they feel a deep sense of shame , of unworthiness , of lack of deserving .