
  • 网络a sense of shame;stigma
  1. 他给Grindr展望的未来远远超越贪婪的分类广告,他想消除在某些地区使用这个应用程序的羞耻感。

    He envisions a future for Grindr well beyond the scope of its grabby classifieds , and wants to shed the stigma attached in some corners to using the app .

  2. Spearman相关性检验提示HADS抑郁评分与PDQ39中情绪状态、羞耻感及总评分变化正相关(r分别为0.35、0.37、0.34,均P<0.05),与HY分期、UPDRSⅢ不相关。

    The score of HADS-Depression was correlated with emotional state , stigma and total score of PDQ-39 by test of Spearman ( r was 0.35 , 0.37 and 0.34 respectively , all P < 0.05 ), and it was not related with Hoehn & Yahr scale and UPDRS ⅲ .

  3. 目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用

    Shame proneness as the independent variable was positively correlated with social anxiety .

  4. 我最喜欢的作家/演说家之一布里尼布朗是研究羞耻感和脆弱的研究员(不要漏了她的TED演讲)。

    One of my favorite author / speakers Brene Brown is a shame and vulnerability researcher ( don 't miss her great TED Talk here ) .

  5. 梅耶:当时也有一丝羞耻感在慢慢发酵的。

    Mr. Meyer : There was a developing sense of shame .

  6. 对于这种疾病的不当的羞耻感,在很大程度上已经消散。

    Much of the unwarranted shame surrounding Alzheimer 's has lifted .

  7. 这使他很伤心,又恢复了一些模糊的羞耻感。

    It hurt him , and some vague sense of shame returned .

  8. 幼儿羞耻感理解力的发展存在显著的年龄差异。

    A significant age difference exists in development of understanding of shame .

  9. 不解决羞耻感就不会有这个方案,

    You can 't fix that problem without addressing shame ,

  10. 而我们做到这一点的方法是做一些降低羞耻感的工作。

    And the way we do that is by doing some shame-work .

  11. 羞耻感&道德和做人的基本尺度

    Sense of Shame & The Basic Yardstick of Morality and Being A Man

  12. 目的:研究神经症病人羞耻感的某些特征。

    Objection : To study the characteristics of shame of patients with neurosis .

  13. 大学生羞耻感和心理健康以及自我效能、自尊的相关研究

    Correlation Research of Shame , Mental Health , Self efficacy and Self esteem

  14. 其次揭示了羞耻感产生的社会机制。

    Secondly , I revealed social mechanism of shame .

  15. 大学生社交焦虑的羞耻感等因素影响模型

    Undergraduates ′ Social Anxiety : a Shame Proneness Model

  16. 目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用。

    Remits : The regression weight of shame proneness on social anxiety was0 .

  17. 琴的羞耻感流贯全身。

    Jean 's shame sticks out all over her .

  18. 很多人表达了离婚给他们带来的羞耻感。

    Many people express feelings of shame about divorce .

  19. 羞耻感教育及其实施途径

    Education of sense of shame and its implementation approach

  20. 我觉得大部分人不明白这个道理,出于羞耻感。

    I don 't think the world understands that , because of shame .

  21. 他表示:这种羞耻感只是不希望表现的与众不同。

    It is the sense of haji simply by not wanting to be different .

  22. 而当人们谈到特权的时候,他们就被羞耻感所淹没了。

    And when people start talking about privilege , they get paralyzed by shame .

  23. 那么我就会认为,是,你有一点羞耻感。

    So I would opt for , yes , you have a little shame .

  24. 羞耻感是我们文化中的一种流行病。

    Shame is an epidemic in our culture .

  25. 大学生羞耻感对社交焦虑影响的纵向研究

    The Influential Effect of Undergraduates ' Shame Proneness on Social Anxiety & A Longitudinal Study

  26. 一种羞耻感涌上他心头。

    Feeling of shame came over him .

  27. 道德是依靠羞耻感来维持的人们的自律性行为规则。

    Moral is a set of rules of behavior with the function of shame feelings .

  28. 大学生羞耻感的现象学研究

    Phenomenological Research of Shame among College Students

  29. 你一点羞耻感都没有吗?

    You have any shame at all ?

  30. 纠葛和信仰的付疚感和羞耻感。

    intrigue and interfaith guilt and shame .