
  • 网络image;brand awareness
  1. 可用性及商标知名度的改善与提高是Android厂商应该关注的区别于其他品牌的最大不同点。

    Improvements on usability and brand recognition are the strongest differentiators they can focus on .

  2. 品牌农业是通过相关质量标准体系认证,有注册商标、市场知名度较高、市场竞争力较强、经济效益较好的农业。

    Name-brand agriculture is based on the relevant quality standards system authentication , being registered trademarks ; it also means higher market popularity and competitive , outstanding economic benefit in agriculture .

  3. 在更大的意义上,商标可以让商标所有人获得知名度和利润,从而激励人们的进取心和事业心。

    In a larger sense , trademarks promote initiative and enterprise worldwide by rewarding the owners of trademarks with recognition and financial profit .

  4. 随着知识经济的到来,商标权的作用日益显著,许多企业不惜代价,通过广告、营销等各种方式,扩大企业商标权的知名度,进而占领市场、获取超额收益。

    With the advent of the knowledge-based economy , the trademark rights plays an increasingly prominent role , therefore many companies expand the visibility of corporate trademark at all costs , through advertising , marketing and many other ways to occupy the market for excess returns .