
  1. 使用与驰名商标相同或近似商标的搭便车行为是对驰名商标的淡化,具有很多危害性。

    The behavior of using the same or a similar mark is like taking an incidental bus .

  2. 这理应为它们提供与在华注册商标相同的权利和保护。

    This should provide them with the same rights and protection as registering a trade mark in China .

  3. 但各国对商标相同和近似的认定方法,普遍缺少法律规定。

    But the countries the same or similar trademarks recognized methods , a general lack of legal provisions .

  4. 在同一种或者类似商品上,将与他人注册商标相同或者近似的文字、图形作为商品名称或者商品装璜使用,并足以造成误认的;

    Selling goods which , as the seller knows or should know , have infringed on another person 's right to exclusive use of a registered trademark ;

  5. 其次,分别认定了其他判定因素:商标相同或近似、商品相同或类似、比较广告中与在先商标权人的竞争关系、在先商标的影响力和其他因素。

    Secondly , it establishes other determine factors separately : sameness or similarity about trademarks and product , competitive relation between two owners of trademarks , effect of prior trademark and other factors .

  6. 查询是否有相同或近似的商标在相同或类似的商品或服务上已在先申请注册;

    To find whether the same or similar trademarks have been registered for the same or similar goods or services .

  7. 由于地理标志与商标本质相同,且均以地理名称为主要识别标志因而冲突不可避免。

    GIs and trademark embody the same essence and both take geographical names as recognition marks , thus the conflicts between such two rights can not be avoided .

  8. 只有同时符合商标标识相同或相似及使用商标标识的商品也相同或相似时,商标之间的混淆才能确定,商标侵权事实才得以认定。

    Only when the conditions that trademark identifications are identical or similar and that the goods upon which the trademark identifications are used are also identical or similar are both met can the misidentification between trademarks be determined and the fact of trademark infringement be established .

  9. 侵权人故意使商标与商号相同或近似的不正当竞争行为不仅使权利人蒙受损失,而且使广大消费者的利益受到损害,使国家正常的法律秩序出现不应有的混乱。

    Infringer 's intentional adoption of the same or similar trademarks or business names means illicit competition , which not only brings loss to the obligee , but also damages the interests of majority customers and the nation 's normal state of law and order .

  10. 未经注册商标所有人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标的;

    To use a trademark that is identical with or similar to a registered trademark in respect of the same or similar goods without the authorization of the proprietor of the registered trademark ;

  11. 商标侵权行为是指行为人未经商标所有人同意,擅自使用与注册商标相同或近似的标志,或者以其他方式损害商标专用权的行为。

    Trademark infringement refers to unauthorized use of mark which is the same with or similar to the registered trademark or other acts which damage the exclusive right of trademark without the permission of the owner of trademark .

  12. 按照中国现行的刑法的规定,假冒注册商标罪是指未经注册商标所有人许可,在同一种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,情节严重的行为。

    In accordance with the provisions of Chinese criminal law , the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks means to use the same registered trademark on the same commodity without permission of its due holder , serious behavior .

  13. 商标淡化就是这样一种商标侵权行为,非权利人在非类似的商品或服务上使用与驰名商标相同或相似的标识,从而导致驰名商标的显著性与吸引力弱化。

    Trademark dilution is such a trademark infringement , in the way that non-holders apply identifications same as or similar to a well-known trademark on dissimilar commodities or services , thus resulting decrease in the distinctiveness and appeal of the well-known trademarks .

  14. 商标侵权行为在现实生活中有着各式各样的表现形式,如未经商标注册人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标。

    The trademark infringement behavior has got the assorted manifestation in realistic life , if have not yet the permission that trademark register person , in the same kind of merchandise ising similar to perhaps merchandise usage with its register the trademark the homology perhaps the trademark that look like .