
shānɡ biāo qīn quán
  • trademark infringement;infringement on trademark
  1. 第一章,涉外OEM商标侵权概述。

    Chapter one , an overview of trademark infringement of foreign OEM .

  2. 然而,近几年来,涉外OEM被诉侵权现象频频发生,究其根源在于混淆的可能性在商标侵权中的地位问题。

    However , in recent years , foreign OEM respondent violations occurred frequently , its roots are in the " likelihood of confusion " in the status of trademark infringement .

  3. 与TRIPS协议相协调,确立我国商标侵权归责原则

    Conforming to TRIPS and establishing the principle of tort liabilities ' contribution in trade mark

  4. 深圳中级人民法院在2011年12月驳回了Apple与IP起诉唯冠(深圳)iPad商标侵权的上诉。

    The Municipal Intermediate People 's Court in Shenzhen rejected a lawsuit by Apple and IP accusing Proview Shenzhen of infringing on the iPad trademark in December 2011 .

  5. 本周三,唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司起诉苹果商标侵权案在上海浦东新区人民法院开庭,唯冠科技要求法院立即禁止苹果iPad的销售。

    The Pudong New District People 's Court held a hearing Wednesday after Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) asked the court to immediately ban the sale of the iPad .

  6. 法院在审理C2C平台提供商承担商标侵权责任的案件时,基本思路是审查C2C平台提供商是否尽到了事后注意义务。

    While the court is adjudicating the trademark infringement cases , the basic pattern is to examine if the C2C platform providers have taken the duty of care afterwards .

  7. C2C平台是商标侵权行为的高发区,主要是由C2C模式的特殊性、法律规范的保护不力、C2C平台提供商管理方式造成的。

    C2C platform has a high incidence of trademark infringement , mainly caused by the particularity of C2C mode , by the ineffective protection of legal norms and by the management of C2C platform provider .

  8. Louboutin将其使用的红色定义为“中国红”,并表示其他公司使用任何一种与之相似,造成混淆的红色也会构成商标侵权。

    Louboutin identifies the shade it uses as " Chinese red , " but argues that any confusingly similar shade would infringe the trademark .

  9. 在河北省省会石家庄市,由于苹果公司商标侵权案,使得多处零售商店和电子产品商店中的iPad平板电脑遭遇下架的命运。

    The tablets have been confiscated from shelves in many retail shops and electronic stores due to a Chinese company 's lawsuit against the Apple Inc over the trademark infringement , in Shijiazhuang city , capital of North China 's Hebei province .

  10. 国外亦存在C2C平台上商标侵权严重、商标权人维权困难的问题,欧盟法院对此进行的探索证明C2C平台提供商承担事前注意义务是可行的。

    In foreign country , C2C platform trademark infringements and problem of trademark rights protection also exist . The exploration of the European Court of Justice does prove the feasibility.C2C platform should bear the duty of care in advance .

  11. 最近一个应用该规定的例子是,法国红酒公司卡思黛乐(Castel)因商标侵权行为而被处以500万美元罚款。

    A recent example of this rule being applied is the case of French wine company , Castel , being hit with a $ 5m fine for trade mark infringement .

  12. 8月10日纽约区法庭拒绝下达初步处罚令,禁止伊夫圣罗兰销售红底鞋,因为Louboutin称其商标侵权。

    On August 10th a district court in New York refused to grant a preliminary injunction stopping YSL from selling shoes with a red sole that Louboutin says infringe its trademark .

  13. 苹果在中国麻烦缠身,从假冒商标侵权诉讼——起诉一家拥有iPhone商标的中国公司——到iTunes视频服务被禁,而在中国市场销售下降更是雪上加霜。

    The drop in sales in China has added to Apple 's troubles as it faces a number of setbacks in the country , from a spurious copyright infringement lawsuit - alleging a Chinese company owned the iPhone trademark - to a ban on its iTunes video service .

  14. 域名抢注&一种新的商标侵权行为

    Rush Registration of Domain Names : A New Violation of Trademarks

  15. 传统理论认为商标侵权仅局限于注册商标。

    But the theory of trademark dilution breaks through the limit .

  16. 实际使用影响着商标侵权的认定和侵权责任的承担。

    Actual use impacts the identification of trademark infringement and duty-bearing .

  17. 本文首先界定了商标侵权行为的含义。

    This paper defines the meaning of " trademark infringement " .

  18. 第二部分是企业进行反服务商标侵权的具体办法。

    The second part : How do enterprises protect against the tort .

  19. 我们把这种类型的商标侵权称之为隐性商标侵权。

    We call the new type of trademark infringement recessive trademark infringement .

  20. 以及完善商标侵权赔偿制度。

    And to improve the system for providing damages for trademark infringement .

  21. 注册商标侵权赔偿数额之确定

    On Defining the Monitory Relief in the Cases of Registered Trademark Infringement

  22. 你们受理专利和商标侵权的案件吗?

    Do you handle cases of patent and trademark infringement ?

  23. 商标侵权会伤害到一个企业的声誉和底线。

    Trademark violations can hurt a business'reputation , and its bottom line .

  24. 搜索引擎广告商标侵权法律问题研究

    The Legal Issues of Trademark Infringement about Search Engine Advertising

  25. 美国域名与商标侵权冲突法律制度研究&《反网域霸占消费者保护法》对我国的启示

    On the Legal System of U. S. Domain and Trade Mark Infringement

  26. 法官斟酌裁量赔偿原则。第四章是商标侵权损害赔偿的范围和计算方法。

    The third chapter is the purpose and principles of trademark damages .

  27. 浅谈商标侵权行为论代理人的佣金请求权

    On Tort of Trademarks On Claim for Commission of Agent

  28. 本章第二节是商标侵权的类型及判断。

    The second section is the type of trademark infringement and judgment .

  29. 第四部分就商标侵权案件中涉及到的赔偿标准问题加以阐述。

    The fourth part describes the compensation standard of the trademark disputes ;

  30. 涉外定牌加工中的商标侵权行为研究

    The Research on the Trademark Infringement on OEM in China