
shānɡ biāo dài lǐ zǔ zhī
  • Trademark Agency Organization
  1. 商标代理组织自国家工商行政管理局指定或者认可之日起,依法开展商标代理业务。

    The trademark agency organization , as from of the date of appointment and or permission by from the State Administration for Industry and commerce , may start trademark agency business according to law .

  2. 申请人可以委托商标代理组织,或者委托国外代表人或者律师事务所,或者其在国外的分公司代为办理。

    The applicant may entrust a trademark agency organization , or a foreign representative or law firm , or its branch company abroad to make the registration .

  3. 商标代理组织应当接受工商行政管理机关的业务指导和行政监督。

    The trademark agency organizationsies are shall be subject to business instructions and administrative surveillance from administrations for Industry and commerce .

  4. 国家工商行政管理局对符合条件的,颁发《商标代理组织证书》;对不符合条件的,退回申请书件并说明理由。

    State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall award a license of trademark agency organization to those satisfying the requirements ; and shall return the application documents accompanied with reasons to those dissatisfying the requirements .

  5. 香港、澳门服务提供者在内地设立的商标代理组织从事商标代理事宜,按照商标代理的法律、法规、规章和有关规定办理。

    The issues concerning the undertaking of trademark agency by the trademark agency organizations established in the mainland by service providers from Hong Kong or Macao shall be handled in accordance with the laws , regulations , rules and relevant provisions on trademark agency .

  6. 通过商标局办理的,申请人或者其委托的商标代理组织可以直接到商标局提交申请,也可以向商标局寄交申请。

    The applicant or the trademark agency organization entrusted may , when filing an application through the Trademark Bureau , either directly submit or post the application to the Trademark Bureau .