
shānɡ biāo shěn chá
  • examination for trademarks
  1. 本文在公平理论基础上分析了商标审查制度。

    This dissertation , based on the theory of fairness , analyses the trademark examination system .

  2. 但不可否认的是,商标审查制度由于受社会、经济、文化的制约,存在着一些不完善之处。

    However , due to the influence of the social , economic , cultural factors , there exist some imperfections in the said system .

  3. 本文将商标审查评审流程单独列为一个部分进行中日两国防止商标抢注法律制度的比较研究,是想更深入地介绍和分析日本在这方面的一些独特的法律制度。

    The paper makes the Trademark Examination and Appeal Procedure as a separate part comparatively analysed in order to deeply introduce and analyze some unique legal systems in this area of Japan .

  4. 而理论研究的众说纷纭无疑为立体商标审查以及司法实践埋下了极大的隐患,不利于商标法的准确适用。

    Without doubt , the wide divided opinions of the theory research have laid down enormous hidden danger for the three-dimensional trademark examination and judicial practice , affecting the application of trademark law .

  5. 本章主要介绍了世界上其他国家和地区对非传统商标的审查标准。

    This chapter describes the standard of reviewing non-traditional trademarks in other countries and regions of the world .

  6. 第三章商标注册的审查和核准

    Chapter III. Examination for and Approval of Trademark Registration

  7. 该制度是指商标主管机关审查商标注册申请时所依据的商标注册条件以及审查规则。

    The system refers to the qualification for trademark registration provided for in the Trademark Law and the rules on trademark examination .

  8. 因此,对于这两个词语的仔细解读有助于将立体商标的实质审查内容统一化、标准化。

    Therefore , Precise understanding for these two words will help to make the substantive examination of three-dimension trademark unification and standardization .

  9. 商标近似是商标审查和商标侵权处理中的重要问题。

    Similarity of trademarks is an important issue during the process of the trademark examination and the trademark infringement .

  10. 这种不完善表现为商标注册条件和审查规则存在缺陷,这些缺陷又导致了商标主管机关的商标审查的缺陷。

    These imperfections are expressed as that in the qualifications and rules for trademark application and registration , or even in the actual trademark examination .

  11. 在商标主管机关决定一个标记是否可以注册的过程中,商标审查制度起着重要的作用。

    Trademark examination system plays an important role in determining by the authority whether or not a sign is capable to be registered .

  12. 集体商标、证明商标注册人对使用管理规则的任何修改,应报经商标局审查核准,并自公告之日起生效。

    Any changes to the rules on the use administration by the registrant of the collective or certification trademark shall be subject to the examination and approval of the trademark office , and shall be implemented as of the date of publication .

  13. 完善取得商标专用权制度、明确认定商标抢注行为属于不正当竞争行为和建立严格的商标注册审查制度是解决问题的关键。

    The key to resolve this problems is improv - ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration .

  14. 同时,在商标注册申请人、注册商标的范畴、注册商标的原则和注册商标的在先权利、注册商标的审查与核准程序、注册商标专用权的保护等方面,又存在着许多差异。

    In spite of the similarities , there are lots of differences in such aspects as the applicants and the category of trademarks , the principle and priority of trademark legislation , its examination and approving process as well as the protection of the exclusive right to use trademarks .