
shānɡ biāo xìn yù
  • reputation of a trademark
  1. 关于商标信誉价值问题的思考

    Thinking on brand reputation value problem

  2. 由于市场竞争的不完全性,商标的信誉传递必然受到不确定性,有限理性的深刻影响。

    As the imperfect market competition , the delivery of trademark and credit may be affected uncertainly , limited rationally .

  3. 在现代商业社会中,商标已成为企业信誉的象征,是企业的一项重要的无形资产。

    In the modern business world , trademark as an important intangible asset of enterprises , is a symbol of enterprises reputation .

  4. 深入分析了商标与广告的关系,阐明了商标信誉在企业竞争机制中的作用。三是对商标在垄断中的作用进行了较为深入的分析,这是用内已有的研究中较少涉及的课题。

    It also analyzes the relationship between trademarks and advertising and illuminates the role of enterprise credibility in enterprise competitive mechanism . Third , it makes detail analysis of the role of trademark in monopoly , which existing research involves little .

  5. 目前关于解决商标平行进口问题的争议主要有三个理论依据,即商标权的地域性理论、商标权利穷竭理论和商标信誉独立论。

    The current controversy about the trademark parallel import problem there are three main theoretical bases , the regional theory , trade mark or trademark rights exhaustion theory and brand reputation in the independent theory .