
  • 网络brand awareness;Sense
  1. 强化商标意识力创国际名牌

    Strengthening the Sense of Trademark Creating International Famous Brand

  2. 动画制作企业在筹建初期商标意识薄弱,品牌意识不强,弄不好会吃亏。

    Animation companies in the early build brand awareness is weak , not strong brand awareness , fix will suffer .

  3. 笔者认为,首先是我国企业缺乏商标保护意识,对自己商标的保护不力,缺乏被外方企业侵害后有效的救济手段。

    It firstly argues that Chinese enterprises lack the consciousness of trademark protection .

  4. 企业不光要有商标注册意识,还要把握企业商标注册的完整内涵,以注册商标为基础,实施商标战略。

    The company can implement the strategy of the trademark on the basis of trademark registration , with not only having the consciousness of trademark registration , but also handling the whole meaning of it .

  5. 企业在进行海外市场开拓时,要有产品未到、商标先行的意识。

    Enterprises in the overseas market development , should have " not of products , brand first " awareness .

  6. 我国私营企业的发展过程中存在商标和品牌意识薄弱、家族制管理、融资困难等诸多难题。

    During the process of private ventures ' development of our country exist poor recognition of brand , family - system management , difficulty in financing capital and so on .

  7. 上市公司作为最优秀的企业群体,它们的商标法律保护意识和能力,直接体现了我国商标事业发展的水平和高度。

    For the listed companies which are regarded as the most outstanding enterprise group , their legal awareness and ability to protect trademarks directly reflect the trademark developmental level and height of our country .

  8. 然而由于目前大多数媒介缺乏对自身商标的保护意识,有不少人利用媒介和媒介品牌的知名度搭便车,将其抢注为其他的商品或服务商标,造成了媒介商标这一无形资产的流失。

    But for most media lack the awareness of protecting trademarks , the media and media brands are used for some " free riders " to be registered as other kinds of good or service trademarks , so that the media lose the intangible assets of trademarks .

  9. 要加强商标保护的法律意识,尤其要树立商标国际保护意识,当商标遭遇侵权时,及时找出相应法律对策进行维权。

    To strengthen the legal awareness of trademark protection , especially to establish the awareness of the international protection of trademarks , trademark infringement when encounter , timely find out the corresponding legal countermeasures for adults .

  10. 通过对现代企业商标设计与注册艺术性的阐述,帮助企业加强商标设计意识和注册要求的认识,提高企业商标运用的价值作用。

    By presenting the trademark design and registration arts of modern enterprices , this paper helps the enterprices to strengthen their realization of trademark design and their understanding of registration requirements , and to improve the value of trademarks .

  11. 从商标史的角度,通过论述品牌商标创立过程中图样文字设计、质量保证、广告宣传、文化内涵等要素的重要作用,以增进确立品牌商标的技巧,提高全社会的商标意识。

    The important function of picture and words design , quality assurance , advertisement , and cultural meaning in the course of the establishment of trademark was discussed . The purpose was to help to the technique of trademark establishment and increase the trademark consciousness of whole society .